Notts & Derby Regiment soldier from Sneinton

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I send a large amount of time trying to identify Great War soldiers from old photographs and I am currently trying to identify one from Sneinton. The postcard has a photograph of the soldier on the front and the address of the recipient on the reverse. Unfortunately, the post card is very old and the writing is not entirely legible, and therefore it is difficult to identify the recipient in either the 1911 or 1921 census


The address reads: Miss Annie Ward. 36 H---- St, Sneinton, Nottingham. I have looked through 1911 census and have found a fair few Annie Wards, but none at a Sneinton address.


Annie Ward may have been the soldier's sweetheart, sister or daughter but until I can work out the address, I cannot identify the sender. Things are further complicated by the extensive rebuilding of Nottingham since the first world war and the street may no longer exist.


Could anyone please identify the name of the street for me?


Thank you,




Aaah. The picture is too big and I will quickly retake the photograph at a smaller size

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Welcome to the site, Simon. I assume you mean the Sneinton area of Nottingham?  You will need to use the services of a photo hosting site in order to post the photograph here. No shortage of members who can instruct you on how to do this.  Good look with your search. I hope you will be able to identify this soldier.

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many thanks. I do indeed mean Sneinton. With regard to the photographs, your website appears to have the same software and layout as my usual haunt, the Great War Forum, but has a smaller allowance for the size of photographs that can be uploaded. I will have to change the size of the photographs.

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Our wise and helpful moderator, Cliff Ton, usually tells people to ignore what the website says. It isn't possible to upload anything other than an avatar here. Cliff Ton or other members can help you upload the photo. One will be along shortly, no doubt.

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  • Cliff Ton changed the title to Notts & Derby Regiment soldier from Sneinton

What Jill says is often correct  :)


The facility for attaching files (which you see on the lower left, when you type your message in a Reply box) is a total waste of time and space. You need to use one of the Free Image hosting sites 


Alternatively you could send a copy of your image to me, using the Private Message facility (which is the envelope symbol at the top right......doesn't always show depending on how you're viewing the site).





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Thank you for the update, I have changed nearly every size, ratio, and pixel setting on my camera and still cannot upload a photograph, I wasn't aware that the "choose files" to upload photographs was disabled.


Anyway the street appears to begin with the letter H, but the current index of Nottingham streets doesn't appear to have a match, Handel Street being the closest match.

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I do not know if either Harold Street or Handel Street were part of the original village of Sneinton or are are part of the modern redevelopment. I really need a list of Sneinton streets that existed between 1914 and 1918 to see if I can find a match.

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I was just looking on my rather out of date Nottingham street atlas. However, it's not that out of date.  There are very useful people on here with various Kelly's or White's who will, I'm sure, be able to help.  @DAVIDWis pretty good with things like this. He might be able to assist.

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It would be lovely if your soldier turned out to be John Samuel (Jack) Ward, my great uncle. He was with The Notts & Derby, Sherwood Foresters in The Great War, killed in 1918. I have uploaded a photo of him to the Nottinghamshire County Council Roll of Honour Site.  I don't know of a Miss Annie Ward, though. The only Annie in the Ward family was his auntie and she was married by the time of The Great War.

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I have found her in the 1921 Census, but the street appears to begin with the letter M rather than H.


Annie Ward, 36 Manor Street, Nottingham. Born 1905. Employed by Boots and Co. as a dry drug packer. She is boarding at the address with no sign of any other family members.


Many thanks for your help.

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41 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

It would be lovely if your soldier turned out to be John Samuel (Jack) Ward, my great uncle. He was with The Notts & Derby, Sherwood Foresters in The Great War, killed in 1918. I have uploaded a photo of him to the Nottinghamshire County Council Roll of Honour Site.  I don't know of a Miss Annie Ward, though. The only Annie in the Ward family was his auntie and she was married by the time of The Great War.


Thank you for your reply. My soldier was also in the Notts & Derby Regiment, though I haven't yet worked out his connection to Annie Ward. I will look at the Roll of Honour website to see if he is the same man.

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14 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Ward was, at one time, the fortieth commonest surname in the UK, therefore I fear it's unlikely to be my great uncle Jack but he'll never be forgotten while I live and breathe.


I have had a quick look at the County Council Roll of Honour and there are an awful lot of Wards on there. There were two from Sneighton, Harold Ward and George Ward, so I have something to go on.

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9 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:

Simon sent me the image of the address, and as soon as I saw it I immediately thought the street name begins with M.....although I'm not sure it's Manor on here.




I think that it does say Manor Street, there is a vertical line down the middle of the post card and a darker black squiggle between Manor and St., which causes confusion. The actual reverse of the post card is very feint and I have had to play around with both the light and the contrast to make it as readable as it is now. The whole post card is very tatty, which is one of the reasons that I want to identify the soldier. It is probably the last image of him that remains and he deserves to be remembered.

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Annie Ward is at 36 Manor Street in 1921 ,  working at Boots , Island Street.

 She's lodging with a William Johnson.


Her age is given as 16 years and 5 months which I think makes her born 1st qtr 1905.


There's a birth for an Annie Ward in Nottm Ist Qtr 1905 with mothers maiden name Green.


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1911 Census theres an Annie Ward born Nottm 1905  , living 3 Little John Street, Nottingham with parents Samuel and Annie.


Theres a marriage in Nottm for a Samuel Ward to an Annie Green in 1885.


Theres also an elder son ,  George Ward born c1893 present in 1911 who may match the soldier above ?

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11 hours ago, DAVIDW said:

1911 Census theres an Annie Ward born Nottm 1905  , living 3 Little John Street, Nottingham with parents Samuel and Annie.


Little John Street was off Peas Hill Road in St Ann's.

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Looks like the Sgt George Ward who died France 1918 is too old to be the brother of Annie Ward. Maybe an uncle or a cousin ?

His father was given as Elijah Ward of Sneinton. Elijah Ward did have a Samuel Ward as a brother ( 1871 Census though the age is a few years out)



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