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I see from a former pupil on the Nottingham Lost School Friends site (Facebook) that Radford Boulevard School is to be refurbished into apartments after standing empty and unloved for some time.  Could be the answer to @Beekay pondering a return to Nottingham.


I've often seen former pupils of that school on the Nottingham Lost School Friends site asking whether anyone has any photos but none ever seem to emerge. Sad, really. Knowing how many Berridge School photos I've now amassed, there must have been some of Radford Boulevard School. I wonder where they all are?

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Must be strange, living in the building where you went to school, although I did used to know someone who bought their old village primary school and converted it into a house.

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Cannot speak for anyone else but, as a former pupil of that establishment, I never had access to a camera, nor did any of my inmates. At that time in my childhood, owning a camera was the last thing on peoples list of priorities. It was survival of the fittest. Come to think of it, I never had or used a camera until I was about 20. That were an Agfa Rapide. As for moving back, I watched a youtube video called 'Nothing in Notts'. That was the clincher.

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

As for moving back, I watched a youtube video called 'Nothing in Notts'. That was the clincher.

I could always come round and throw pieces of chalk at you, Beekay, to make you feel at home.  I'm qualified to throw chalk missiles! :rolleyes:

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Okay, just as long as your'e easy on the homework.

And I'm not sitting at the back of the class !

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Not unless they accept Ancients.

Would have thought Nottingham had enough student accomodation. Students must outnumber the resident population. If ever they decide to go on the rampage, there'd be no stopping em.

Think I'll stay an ignorant 'owd un'. Did'nt learn too much at school and it's too late now.

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Would have thought Nottingham had enough student accomodation. Students must outnumber the resident population. If ever they decide to go on the rampage, there'd be no stopping em.



Even with thousands of Student rooms pending, either with or waiting for Planning approval, there still aren't enough.

There are currently around 8500 waiting to start / likely to be approved.

The expectation is 2500 will be added each year for the next few years, releasing traditional older student properties back to family / non student use.


Students appear happy to pay a premium, up to double in some cases, for quality purpose built rooms with on site facilities


Nottingham has close to 70000 students over the 2 Uni's and rising yearly.

Unlile other Uni cities, there isn't a shortage of room, but neither is there a surplus.




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