Southport Airshow

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As you will know, I didn't get to RIAT because it was cancelled so I have been planning on going to Southport for their seafront display.

I have just checked their website, and it is still going ahead despite all the rain we are having, (As I type it is lashing it down and has been for two days.)

And get this The Vulcan is appearing on Saturday despite countless reports to the contrary

(I'm going Sunday!!)

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Just found out that the Vulcan cancelled today , but has been pencilled in for tommorow instead!!!!(After Duxford)

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Ayup Beefsteak,

There's no reason why it can't fly over Southport, after all it will only be returning to base in a big arc from Duxford, I hope you get to see it


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We got it in the end , match report to follow. (I'm kn4**ered and off to bed now ) (Only 383 photos to finish editing)

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I told SWMBO that we needed to be away for 8 ish , after finding out that Vulcan cancelled Saturday I expected big crowds for Sunday, we finally left at 9.30!! but got in pretty easy finding ourselves a nice perch on the seawall at about 11 am , I tracked down a programme (£4.00 for a waste of paper) according to it the "Reds" were first on at noon.then there was a break till 1.30pm for the next bit!!!

The Red Arrows arrived bang on time and did a very good display , all around seemed to agree it was the best ever (It lasted well over half an hour!!) with a lot of new formations (for me anyway ) including one called Lancaster.

I'm still having problems getting my focus in on time !!




They were also exciting with their near misses!! ( It scared our Charlotte!!)



They send me a message!!


The final split


All the time the commentator reminded us that the Vulcan was coming and that she was leaving Brize Norton and would be with us at 2.20pm etc etc.

We then had a long wait until a Chinook dropped off some ground staff , the blades came on at about 2.00pm and did a brilliant display .


Spitfire roll


We were then given the first bad news of the day. No "Great war team" but we moved on with a solo Lynx helicopter doing a great display including rolls and loops (Helicopters can't do that!!!)


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Along came an Apache plus a Chinook for a quick display




Then more bad news No "BBMF" Supposed to be bad weather in Lincolnshire!!! stopping them getting up! What a load of Baloney , they could fly in all weathers when they were built, so if they are airworthy why can't they fly in a bit of rain now?? It's bright sunshine now in Southport.

We had the "Swift Glider Team" who were O.K. a lot of build up for not a lot.!! altough the "Silence Twister" (Home build did excite slightly with it's "Spitfire" type lines.)


Then even more 'bad' news we are only getting one of "The Black Cats Helicopter team" so it's another solo Lynx display!! Nowhere near as good as the first (But then again try doing a 'double act' on your own and you would look daft too!!)


More bad news no Wing Walkers and no Falcons parachute team (There's no excuse even offered this time 'cause the weather is great now .)

People are leaving in droves now, so I think the poor commentator was so relieved to pass on a bit of good news ,"The Vulcan could be getting airborn after all !!" now wether he was clutching at straws or not I don't know.

It was now time for a display from RAF trainers first the Tutor (Love the 'Roundels' on them all by the way , they were tere to celebrate 90 years of the RAF )



King Air




Sorry blured again




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RAF role demonstration time .The rumours had gone round that the Vulcan was coming so the crowds flooded back in and being mostly ignorant Scousers they just stood infront of any body "As long as 'I' can see"!! W4nk3r5

So regardless of asking nicely we couldn't see the ground action , but most of it was in the air anyway.

E3-D Sentry and F3 Tornado /GR4 Tornado


I love this one

Apache and the Tornados


Sentry up high


Apache in the 'battle' smoke





Mock 'Dog Fight'


We won!!



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A bit more bombing will sort the Fuzzy Wuzzies out !!

Watch out for the smoke ring




Got 'em


Victory pass , The commentator had said that the others had gone so I wasn't ready for the fighters fly past



Along came a Typhoon,

I had our Adam jumping all over me at this point "Airplane Daddy Airplane" so photography got harder!!





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Whats that familiar shape in the far distance?? is it? no can't be ! It is you know!!




Not as throaty as I remember , obviously being looked after now !!

Just a couple of passes and she was gone, a great end to a not so brilliant air display!! Although the role demo was very good too



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Did the programme reveal, or the PA announce, who was flying the display?

Dave Thomas, Martin Withers or Al McDicken?

The bomb bay turn looks very Dave Thomas...

Congratulations Ian, on an excellent set of pictures - especially liked the Sentry,Typhoon and the Tornado on reheat!


Robt P.

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First to Rog

Yes and no , I was dissapointed with all the cancelations , a lot of which they must have known about earlier!! But the Vulcan made it and that was enough for me to be happy. The role demo was good with the goodies rescuing hostages , a mock 'Dog Fight' , Apache ,Tornados , Hawks , all very exiting , then we were treated to the Typhoon and I got some 'top side' shots . Then of cource the piece de resistance XH 558 doing her thing ,not as throaty as I remember, but as I said ,they are looking after her now!!

So on the whole it was good and we enjoyed ourselves . (Just could have done without the 3 hours it took to get home!!)


No we just popped up for the display , I am sorry to say, but I fell out with Southport the last time we were there and got a parking ticket even though there were no parking restrictions in place when we parked up !!

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I know exactly what you mean! The parking wardens and restrictions there are some of the strictest I've come across. I was there last New Year and took a drive and parked near the beach on New Years Morning. Left the car for half an hour. I never imagined for some reason that the meter men would be out on a Bank Holiday News Year's Morn. Incorrect!

Nice town though.

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We had got there early (8 ish) for the air display in 2004 and parked on a road (about 10 mins from the front) with two other vehicles parked on there , checked the lamposts for restrictions and the signs said no parking weekdays i.e. ok Sat and Sun . Came back to find cones had been put out and we had been given a ticket. I had one photo left on my old film camera and took a shot ,sent it off with the ticket explaining there 'mistake' , to be told they had lost the photo and I still had to pay.

I told SWMBO that we wouild never go back , but relented this year as I missed RIAT and my little lad is "Airplane daddy" barmy at the moment

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Congratulations on some good photographs, I'm pleased that one airshow went down fairly well.

Down in darkest Essex the weather was pretty poor, strong crosswinds with heavy showers, which made me decide not to go to Duxford, with good reason too, many aircraft cancelled for safety reasons over both days which made the planned attractions, like the Lancaster flying with the Vulcan, the first time 2 Gladiators were to be in the air together since 1952, a ten spitfire tailchase, all no chance, though the Spits managed it on the sunday.

You critisize the BBMF for not turning up, but lets not forget we are dealing with rare historic aircraft here, they may have flown Lancasters in dodgey conditions during the war, but the last one we have flying outside of Canada, has to be treated with kid gloves, there is a limit on the strength of crosswinds at Conningsby, and I can assure you, it was bad.

I've seen the Lanc make a couple of heartstopping landings, it's not a pretty sight, we have to protect this icon at all costs, yes I know that another is waiting in the wings that could fly with a large amount of money put into it, but that isn't the point.

Don't forget also that one of the BBMF Spitfires, along with Peter Tiechmans Hurricane is the last flying example to have actually fought in the Battle of Britain, such a treasure has to be protected at all costs, it's irreplaceable.

Just out of interest, most sea front airshows are free, Lowestoft, Southend, Clacton etc etc, how did they manage to charge admission to Southport, I must admit, I've never been there, is the seafront more remote from the town than these other places, I would be interested to know how they did it.

Actually, it created a bit of bad feeling down here, the Duxford September Airshow always features the heavy metal boys from the RAF, it's become traditional to feature the Reds for a start, no chance, they were all prebooked at Southport, hand bags at 10 paces gentlemen, the thing is, DX has more home based rare flying warbirds than anywhere else in the world, I'm lucky to live down the road, sometimes I have to visit clients up that neck of the woods, it's only half an hour away from where I live, I can guarantee, that if I pull off the road for my lunchtime butties on the lane running down the side of the airfield, something will be happening.

The last time I did this, a couple of months ago, I had visited a nearby client, I pulled up next to the airfield to eat my butties prior to a nearby site visit and was treated to a scintillating display of aerobatics from Caroline Grace in her 2 seat MkIX Spitfire, followed by more stuff in a MkXIV Spit then was treated to the amazing sight of B-17 Liberty Belle arriving from her epic flight over the pond from California, what a place, I love it, it's surely the greatest aviation museum in the world, but stuffed by the weather like anywhere else at the moment.

If you have nothing to do, go to the Autumn Airshow next month, it's always a gem of a show, I've been going to it since it started so many years ago and the weather has always been perfect, it was the same last year, wonderful place, the worlds crown jewels of aviation history, though not a static museum, something is always happening in the air.

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I'd love to go but it's a long way for me and the wife and two kids to go there and back in a day (It wouldn't be fair on her if I went on my own ...............MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????? there's an idea!) I went to Duxford 18 years ago and it was great then, so I can imagine it being brill now. As I have posted else where hopefully next year we will be going to London and I will take my lad to Hendon, we will then be swinging back via Essex , Duxford , overnight in Nott'm and then back here

The Reds left us for Port Rush NI , I actually thought they were then going on to DX.

Re Southport , it's a lot of 7 foot high metal fencing and loads of staff patrolling them £7 each this year. £5 to park., 2002 it was £2 and there were not a lot of fences . We went for both days and stayed at Blackpool that year, the second day we just walked in.

I always get the feeling that we are being ripped off by some clever Pikey who's spotted a chink in the armour if you know what I mean

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The Lancaster was side lined with engine problems apparently (Although she wasn't coming to us , we were having the Dakota and two Spits)

Honest I wasn't criticizing them,(It was a poor attempt at a joke) I appreciate the great perils for them nowadays. I was trying to be critical of the organizers who must have known long in advance of the shows ,of certain other cancellations.

There own website stated on Sunday that the show would go on as normal despite the weather and there were no reports to the contrary on the radio on the way up. It was only after most people had paid to get in, that the cancellations started to dribble through (And not even announced in some cases)

Anyway a couple more pics that I have put in to my photobucket account now



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It's interesting what you hear. Yes the Lanc had an engine problem earlier in the week, but I recieved information from one of the ground crew that it had been sorted and only the crosswinds grounded it, after all it was at DX when it had it's bad moments though it once slewed round sidewise while trying to land at North Weald back in the 90's.

Have you ever been to Hendon, a great museum but understaffed. If you are going next year, make sure you get there early as some, important parts, are closed after 12:00.

Personally, I'd spend the day at DX, there's so much to see and do, I can guarantee that something will be air tested, it's great to see the work being carried out on the aircraft being restored and maintained with the cheery mechanics willing to offer their words of wisdom and knowledge. In comparison, Hendon is a mothballed collection of aircraft with their souls drained out of them, even the lighting is bad for taking photographs, it's like a morgue.

If you save up your pennies, Duxford is the only place where you can take a flight in a 1930's Dragon Rapide around Cambridge, or enjoy experiencing aerobatics in a Tiger Moth or Harvard, not for the faint hearted though.

Following that, it's a quick drive up the road to Cambridge, my favourite city in the entire country. It's a wonderful place, and you have to try out punting, don't go to Scudamores, park near the Granta Inn and hire one of theirs, parking information available on request ( they are real gits for parking tickets).

Go to Kings College Chapel, but insist on seeing Rupert Brookes original draft of 'The Soldier' you know that poem, 'If I should die, think this of me, that there is some corner of a foreign field that is for ever England..................., it's in a side chapel written on OHMS note paper and kept in a glass case.

You can then follow it up with one of lifes treasured experiences, the American Cemetery at Maddingly, a mile up the road.

Sounds a bit morbid, but it is an awinspiring place, nothing quite like it, you can look on the wall of names and find Glenn Miller and Joe Kennedy, visit the amazing chapel with it's incredible wall map, visit the centre that looks to have been lifted from New England and take in the history of the place.

London is vast and full of surprises, but Cambridge is small and perfectly formed, I'll be your guide if you want, and I'm pretty cool at punting as well, it's a pretty hard task to master without embarrasing yourself, but good fun if you've never tried it.

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Thanks for the offer and the info .

I went to Hendon ,Maddingly and Old Warden, in my Air Training Corps days (30 something years ago) and even in those days and at that age I found Maddingly to be an extremely moving experience. I couldn't get over the fact that there was an American Padre looking after the place.

We don't intend doing them in a day by the way . We shall be staying with the wifes sister in London for about a week and 'doing the sites' before moving further afield . SWMBO and our Charlotte to Hampton Court and me and Adam to Hendon , then we shall meet up somewhere for tea.

Then on the way home we will go via Cambridgeshire (Any idea on the price of the Flights??) I went to Cambridge with my mum about 13 years ago , we stopped there, after I had taken her to France on a 'Booze Cruise', but I was suffering with a trapped nerve in my neck so I couldn't take a punt out.

The info re the Lancaster came from

In their forums pages, it's a facinating site for the aviation enthusiast ,loads of really well informed people on there

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Hi all. Just wanted to say how i enjoyed duxford air show. The weather stayed ok till about the last half an hour of flying then it was stopped due to a heavy mist that was descending on us. I was a bit dissapointed that the lancaster wasnt there and i would love to see the stealth bomber and the red arrows again although there was a group that flew together and they were good. There was that much to see and we only had about 4 hours there. On the way home on sunday we stopped off at Hendon air museum,that was good as well,yet again not enough time to see everything. Alans got some cracking pics,will put some on when we know how to do it! Chrissy. x

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Glad to hear you had a good time Chrissy

It was a bit of a detour coming back via Hendon though, no where near your route back to Nott'm

I look forward to your pics

Open a photobucket account at

follow their instructins for downloading from your own pics ,when you have loaded what you need to left click on the bottom box that says

IMG Code - Forums & Bulletin Boards

It will light up ,right click and press copy ,go to the forum page required ie here or make your own topic, and just right click again and then click paste

There you go clear as mud!!#

et voila


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View Member Profile Yesterday, 08:43 AM Post #22

"Hi all. Just wanted to say how i enjoyed duxford air show. The weather stayed ok till about the last half an hour of flying then it was stopped due to a heavy mist that was descending on us. "

Lucky you did not take a nap on the Synagogue steps you could have awoken with a heavy "dew" on you! !cheers!

Are you deliberately trying your hardest to upset beefy?


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