I'm a Celebrity?

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Not sorry to say I don't watch this TV program. (I don't watch much at all these days.) Happened to peer over the top of my book last night to be presented with the splendid sight of two contestants on the show exhibiting several long, protracted minutes of gagging on disgusting insects and other 'foodstuffs' such as crocodiles feet and various testes etc.

Further on, the detestable and egotistical Robert Kilroy-Silk demonstrates extremely well why we don't witness him on the screen any more.

Flicking on the TV this morning, I note two morning TV presenters chuckling away at this great 'fun', ably abetted by a trout-pouted Jordan/Katy Price and her insignificant beau - former contestants on I'm a Celebrity. I've heard more intelligent conversations in primary schools.

My God, what has happened to us all? Is this just the dumbing down of the media or does it speak of us as a society?

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Now this is one point that I totally agree with . "I'm a nonentity, give me some publicity for being a saddo ," now thats a far better title . For all I like Ant and Dec (slightly ) I think they are degrading their selves by being associated with this inane, benile, garbage that ITV think is 'entertainment'.

Rant over, takes tablet, lies down.!!

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...My God, what has happened to us all? Is this just the dumbing down of the media or does it speak of us as a society?

I'd suggest that both feed off the other...

Witness the London gutter press that publish what they know their readership (whom they despise) will appreciate, oblivious to reality, actuality or the known facts - classic example being the McCann case...


Robt P.

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C'mon, it's perversly good for a laugh, don't you want to see these 'famous' people humiliated, which is what it's all about. Kilroy Silk was always an arrogant git, he's making it even more clear now and reducing his public profile to greater depths than it was before.

Ant and Dec are brilliant and manage to sail through it all by taking the p1$$ when they can, it's worth watching for their comments alone, without their input, and witness the dire presenters on other related programmes, it really would be pathetic.

Quite frankly, why some of these celebs want to do it is beyond me, Navratilova was always a bit strange, but does she need the money, publicity and humiliation, I doubt it, so why does she do it, is it to constantly remind us, as she does, that she's the greatest female athlete of all time.

Of course the most important question is this, how the hell did they get a double decker Routemaster? bus in that jungle location, so far it's been a neglected issue, we need to know more, perhaps Ant and Dec drove it in, I wouldn't put it past them.

Unfortunately this is modern TV, Celeb Reality shows, sad talent contests, pathetic bands, bring back Dixon of Dock Green and Billy Cotton, see how the audience figures plummet.

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I agree with much of what you say but I honestly didn't think it was very funny in any way. Watching people dry retching I actually find pretty horrible.

Wouldn't much agree about Ant and Dec to be honest either, Firbeck. Their obvious glee in watching people suffer (even though their enlarged ego's may well deserve it) is like witnessing a pair of naughty primary school kids. I'd love to see the tables turned on them. Now that would make me laugh! :-)

I find it the same mystery as you as to why some of those contestants would wish to take part. For others it's obviously seen as a great 'career move'. Each to their own, it's obviously a popular program but it's not for me. The TV can stay switched off as is most often seems to these days...

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Wouldn't much agree about Ant and Dec to be honest either, Firbeck. Their obvious glee in watching people suffer (even though their enlarged ego's may well deserve it) is like witnessing a pair of naughty primary school kids. I'd love to see the tables turned on them. Now that would make me laugh! :-

But thats what's so endearing about Ant and Dec, they ARE like a couple of naughty primary school kids, and yes, it would be nice to see the tables turned on them, but these stupid pillocks who take part in these programmes know damn well that they will have to eat all this crap and quite frankly it's their own problem. What I think is wierd is basing a programme on the fact that live creatures have to be eaten, they may only be cockroaches and have one brain cell, but they have a life. Whats worse is when these things are poured over people who flap about and crunch them all over the floor.

Yes, my youth has a wierd taste in pets, lizards that have to be fed live crickets, etc, then we have whatever is used in the fishing industry for bait. I don't, well not quite, have a problem with that. I'm not a vegan or a veggie, but I don't pour hot water on ants, or kill things unneccesarily, in our house wasps are ushered towards the door rather than be smashed with a rolled up newspaper.

I think that these type of programmes originated from Japanese television, I recall many years ago these sort of things were shown on programmes such as Tarrant on TV and had the p1$$ taken out of them, nowadays our own society thinks it's ok to do this sort of thing, what next, crashing light aircraft on American Aircraft Carriers perhaps, it wouldn't surprise me, perhaps you would like to nominate the candidates, no I won't volunteer.

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I suspect that before too long it will be fights to the death with live gladiators.

Don't laugh it was good enough for Nero. :(

We already have EXTREME fighting over here. Not much of a stretch of the imagination to pursue it to its logical conclusion.

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