Now we're in the middle of Summer, how are your gardens doing.

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Well it's the 4th of September and my plum tree is in flower again, if the mild weather keeps up I should have some fresh plums on Christmas day


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My mums Plum tree has gone wappy this year, she estimates that she has frozen 20lb, eaten the same and given at least the same again away!!! And it ain't much bigger than a bush!!!

I have given a bag of about 5 lbs to the in laws and picked some Blackberries out of the back garden and have made a Plum and Blackberry crumble with the remnants (That haven't been scoffed by us !!!)

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Those plums!! I've had the runs for days, we've given tons away, but the high winds have blown whats left off the tree and the wasps have moved in.

Now we have to finish off the nectarines, then the apples will be ready.

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I've just driven up to the shops and back and one of the gardens up our road has got a full quota of yellow spring crocuses flowering on his front lawn, how wierd is that. Meanwhile, my odd late broad and french bean plants are springing up like mad, could be a case of fresh veg for Christmas. I haven't picked any apples yet, but they look magnificent. It was so hot here on tuesday, we had temps in the 80's, I didn't realise how warm it was until I attempted to take the dogs for a walk at lunchtime, they didn't like it and soon headed for home.

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