Suprises at Hawarden families day

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I heard a whisper that an A380 airbus was going to do a flypast near Chester, and also that good old XH-558 (The Vulcan was going to put in an appearance. So I loaded up with kids and cameras and took a trip over .

Glad I got there reasonably early as it started to get really packed (Outside as it was a private families do!!!) and I was lucky enough to find somewhere to park.

It turned out to be a full 3 hour session!!! BBMF Dakota/ Spit/ Hurricane, Beluga, Red Devils Parachute display, Hunter, Kittyhawk, another Spit, three Provosts/Strikemasters, Islander, Cheshire spotter plane, Skyraider, Mustang, and of course an A-380 and the Vulcan. Even 'The Reds' put in a fly past !!! Brilliant show (Even better because it didn't cost owt !!!, just a shame the weather didn't play ball)











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A few more (Photobucket ain't doing me no favours lately!!)



The BBMF Silver spit came a little close at times!!!


The 'Welsh' Spitfire


And can some one tell me how this big bugger can possibly fly!!!!!??




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And can some one tell me how this big bu99er can possibly fly!!!!!??

Passed a parked QANTAS A380 as we taxied out for take-off on Wednesday.

It is question was exactly the same - word for word - as yours!

Did Martin Withers fly the Vulcan?


Robt P.

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Looks like you found a good do there Ian with some great rarities, nice pics as usual too, I like the beast approaching the tower, is Hawarden the place where they make the Airbus wings.

I said previously that Marshalls at Cambridge are doing a private 100 year anniversary show in a couple of weeks and I suspect it will be a similar show. I know the Vulcan is due to attend and I suspect that the Reds are doing a full display as they are booked in for a private show that day. With Marshalls large contribution to the RAF over the years I reckon it will be quite a flying display, probably more interesting than the DX show this weekend that I didn't go to. The trouble is, I can't find out a thing about it, I wondered whether any of your aviation mates might know anything before I start getting cheeky and turn up at their offices or bombard them with phone calls and e-mails. I reckon that they're keeping it quiet because the road system will be even worse than normal around there on the day, it could well be a Tesco's park and bike ride jobbie.

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Did "something" fly over Nottingham or more accuratly Radcliffe on Trent yesterday afternoon? Coming from NE (over Mapperley top) heading towards grantham area, didn't see it my self but wife says (quote) " a bomber, Big heavy wide thing dark grey" (she's good at flowers)

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Rob237 It certainly was (On his way from Cosby Leics where they did a re enactment of the Blackbuck raid (In which he was the pilot)

Ashley , possibly the Lancaster on her way back to Coningsby .

Pete leave it with me , I'll see what I can find out (I know a bloke who works near there)

Thanks for the comments folks

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Well giz a clue then Ashley. Jet ,Prop, Two engines/ Four engines??

Firbeck, this is the best I can find so far a, although there does seem to be a bit of speculation regarding XH-558 again !!!

From the Royalaeroclub web site

19-20CambridgeMarshall's Centenary Moth & Chipmunk Fly-in [PPR] & Display 20

Thats all I have so far

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Nice pics again Ian, quite a bit happening over here at the weekend, Coningsby busy with the BBMF but also the Typhoons were up a lot according to reports from the locals. I agree with you about the A380, "how does that thing fly?"


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My son came back from a week of Gliding at Syerston, and on one of the days it was too windy to fly they were treated to a trip to one of the air bases. He was really chuffed as he was allowed into the cockpit of a typhoon, and up close to the Battle of Britain flight, and they were not kept behind the barriers of the other aircraft that were currently staying at the base.

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Thanks for trying Ian, so far I know that the flying display is in the afternoon. Definately taking part are the Vulcan, Red Arrows, BBMF. The BBMF are having a busy day, booked in at so many places on that day including a flyby at Oosterbeek in Holland, though as it's in conjunction with the 65th anniversary of Arnhem, that will be the Dak. No doubt flying will be the former meteorological flight C-130 'Snoopy', now Marshalls flying engine test bed. Theres always about half a dozen Hercs parked around the airfield so maybe one of them. Presumably some of the collection of Moths from the fly in and with Duxford being so close, no doubt a few Warbirds from over there. I wouldn't be surprised to see a fly by from Lakenheath F-15's either. What won't be there are the Typhoon and Hawk display teams as they will be in the Czech Republic.

What intrigues me is how the Reds will arrange their display as the area is pretty well built up around the airfield, I will make a recce next week, there is good access to the perimeter but lots of tall hedges and trees along the fence which could be a problem. If I don't find out any more, I'll start phoning around next week.

I gather that Marshalls wanted to make it a public event but couldn't provide enough car parking spaces on the airfield, sounds a poor excuse to me.

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I've just had a bit of good news, fingers crossed chaps.

The secretary, Anne, at my missus company, has a son who's a senior executive at an aircraft industries company based at Stansted. I've just spoken to her and he's had invitations sent to him to attend Marshalls Centenary Airshow, but he's off to Dubai and can't make it. She's going to phone him this evening and try to get the passes off him, she doesn't think it will be a problem, so, lets see what happens. Even if I can't get in, at least he might know what the timetable and participants are.

I hope I don't have to wear a suit!!

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North Wealds Vampire should be putting in an appearance, along with a famous tin triangle.vulcicon.gif

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Ah well, such is the apparent importance of this event, corporate wise, that Annes son is cutting short his business visit to Dubai and returning to go to Marshalls. Apparently the tickets are personal, named invites sent only to the people they want to be there, that rules me out then, perhaps yours is still in the post Beefsteak.

At least I have an important contact who will let me know whats happening, I wonder if he's ever heard of a Vampire though, I gather he gets tickets for every airshow event going in the UK and beyond and bins them as he has no interest in the flying part of his industry whatsoever, don't you find that worrying.

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Thanks Beefsteak, I now know that the flying display is from 2:00pm to 6:30pm and that the Reds will be carrying out their full display at the end and rather unusually, landing afterwards. Theres also going to be the largest gathering of Tiger Moths and Chipmunks ever achieved at an airfield, so they say, complete with a massed take off and formation flyby.

I've e-mailed Marshalls and had an odd response, I'm trying to get into a good begging mood before I reply to it, I'll keep you posted.

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Complete line up is now confirmed

Type(s) Takeoff Display Landing

Lancaster X X 1455 to static display

Gipsy Moth 1450 1503 X flypast

Fokker Triplane 1505 1505 X display

Flying Circus 1510 1509 X display (!)

Tiger Moths 1511 1520 1530 aerobatics

Tiger Moth Formation (9) 1519 1531 1533 flypast some depart

Miles Formation 1520 1533 X display

Hawker Hind 1530 1540 X display

Lysander 1540 1547 X display

Rapide 1546 1554 X formation (?)

Puss Moth X ? X with Rapide?

Red Arrows 1610 1605 X arrival with smoke

Auster Formation 1610 1630 X departure

Vintage DH a/c 1615 X X departure

Spitfire 1625 1630 X display

Hurricane 1626 1637 X display

Lancaster 1644 1646 X display

Dakota 1650 1656 X display

Meteor 1713 1713 X display

Venom 1720 1720 X display

Vampire 1727 1727 X departure

Hunter 1734 1734 X display

C-130 Hercules/Tristar X 1741 X flypast

Glider 1742 X X departure

Motor Glider 1743 X X departure

Grob Tutors CUAS 1744 X X flypast

Vulcan X 1746 X flypast x 2

B17 X 1751 X display

Red Arrows 1755 1800-1830 X display

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The generosity of some large companies obviously still exists.

To my complete amazement Marshalls Aerospace have informed me that they have a pair of tickets left for their event and are sending them to me, I can't believe it. They did ask me if I had any connections with the company, I said not any more, but knew people that did and that I used to design structures for Inflite at Stansted. I also happened to mention that my Uncle Noel won the DFC flying Lancasters, perhaps they felt sorry for me, who knows, I've only just picked myself up off the floor.

Apparently, they are keeping details quiet because they are very concerned about the number of people that will turn up on the perimeter fence, I get the impression that the police will have to close the roads, this is what they do at Duxford where there is a risk of overflying.

The thing is to, apart from the flying display, I'll be able to access the buildings I've only ever seen from the road, the aircraft repair hangars and presumably the lovely art deco terminal building.

Watch out for one or two pictures next week!!

I've just seen your list Beefsteak, cheers for that, how did you find out about it, it looks a top display, at least I won't have a fence in the way now.

I did see a Fokker Triplane heading that way over here last saturday, now I know where it was going.

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Marshalls have informed me that no more tickets are available, so don't try and get any, they have been inundated with calls apparently, 14,000 people have been invited and they are getting worried about how they will cope.

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The official display programme as sent to me by Marshalls:-


Judging by the airfield map and subsequent info I've received from Marshalls, things will be a little congested, I would suggest that it could be a bit of a problem to watch this event outside the fence.

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