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Those two great ,Nottingham born, (Antipodeans the pair of them actually) actors Russel Crowe and Cate Blanchett star in the up and coming new Robin Hood film, and guess what , they've got him fighting on that beach near Dover now !!!!!

Not out till May

There's a trailer in this link

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Well he really should be played by a Barnsley actor, as that's where Robin would have come from IF he had existed. There's a good site on Robin Hood where the author tracked down Robin, actually "Robins" and the "Merry Men" Not to one man but possibly several over a few hundred years. Chances are Robin was a scoundrel, remember he was an "outlaw" criminal in modern language, could also fit in the modern terrorist setting too. Now come on, what real outlaw would rob rich folk and give it away???

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Another typical yank who wants to p155 on our bonfire !!.........LOL

You'll be telling me next there's no Santa Clause either!!!

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You should go to Barnsley and tell them Robin Hood came from Nottingham Ian. Better still, don't say owt, if they find you're from Nottingham, they'll lynch you. LOL It's Scargill country, he's still King up there.

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Not that far from Barnsley!! If you digest the history rather than folklore, there is far more evidence that the legend was based on many unsavory characters down through the ages. Dating from the 11th century through to Henry 8th!! Some historians do settle on Richard The Lionhearts reign though. The myth is based on ballads anyway, the "newspaper/BBC worldnews" of the day. I'd suspect the real story is many outlaws rolled into one. I know at one time, a man was taking a grave risk traveling roads through forests. So probably each area had it's own famous, by the date, highwayman and his gang.

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I love all the stories, and the misconseption that Robin Hood came from Nottingham, there is nowhere in any story that says he came from Nottingham, Sherwood yes Nottingham no, the Sheriffe of Nott'm is mentioned but no 'connection' to our fair city for "The Hooded Man"

Lincoln Green is really Lincoln grain and is actually Red , as in "Will Scarlet" and there is a modern theory that the stories were promoted by habidasherie merchants from later years as there is a lot of mention of the clothes worn by all and sundrie in the tales !!! (Got that last bit off of a great telly show over hear called QI)

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Now then you lot, lets not let truth and logic get in the way of a really good folk tale!

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I can't get the trailers to play on my dying computer!!

I had heard that much of the film was being shot in Pembrokeshire, if you look on IMDB, it does quote Sherwood Forest and Dovedale as locations, that'll be a first won't it, the nearest Kevin Costner got to Nottingham was Wingfield Manor and Errol Flynn probably never strayed out of California.

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The one with Patrick Bergin and Uma Thurman in that came out at the same time as "Prince of theives" was filmed just down the road from here, in the "Beeston castle" area.

If you 'trainies' can recall the pics I posted of the 'steamie' on it's way to Chester last year, they were taken in that area.

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