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...Is that a DEAD FROG!? I feel sick. yuck yuck yuck.. look at his eyes!!!!!!!!

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Just read your blog entry, i apologise, but on first glance it looked like a dead frog, i feel awfull now - but it does have spooky red eyes. Must wear my glasses more..

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It looked quite realistic! & Awh, I do love frogs, we used to have a pond in one of the old houses when I was a kid, we got tons of frogs, I remember running down the garden holding two frogs that I believed at the time was a 'two headed frog'.... Bet that was fun for my mum to try and explain it's actually two frogs mating!

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.. That was my first thought exactly! Had to look again and still wasnt convinced.. Then i read the blog & actually put my glasses on and saw that it was a garden ornament. Stu, Why do you have garden ornaments that look like dead things? LOL! Only kidding.

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..I did, thats where i got my glasses from, should wear them 24/7, my eyesight is awful and worsentd over the years since i first got told i needed glasses when i was 16, but i only seem to wear them when my vision annoyes me, when im watching tv, reading etc.

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I think as long as you are not straining your eyes, its better only to wear them when you really need them or you come to rely on them more and more?

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thats how i allways thought of it, i find my vision 10x worse when i take them off than before i put them on. Im sure its the same for everyone who wears glasses, so i think it just makes your eyes more relaxed, become dependent on your glasses, the more you wear them the worse your vision gets without them. But without them, my vision is awfull, its very burry & i cant read or see anything small.. Im leant quite close to my screen at the moment, i know i should put them on, so maybe im making it worse for myself. Theyv reccomended me contact lenses, but i just dont like the idea of touching my eyeball twice a day... lol

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