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About Froggy

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    Advanced Nottstalgian

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  1. I went there a few times in the '60s. What sticks in my mins was Kenny Ball. Long John Baldry was there but not performing. He was surrounded by girls - I guess they didn't know!
  2. Just making sure you're paying attention, Fynger.
  3. I got caught with this one the other day. It's an elbow, not a bum. It would have been a nice bum, though, if it wasn't an elbow!
  4. My mother mentioned that bakery bombing several times. She always resented having her school mates go off to die in the forces and the bombing of Nottingham was something she never quite put behind her. One of her pet hates was the Jehovah's Witnesses who drove up to their Kingdom Hall near her home is cars with masked headlights. It must have been galling sight to see the 'conchies' in cars while her pals were being blown up in Europe. She told me that the bakery was near to a railway bridge over the Trent. It took a direct hit aimed, presumably, at the bridge. The building collapsed into it
  5. Why would anyone want to flirt with girls wearing green overalls?
  6. Unbelievable! Which government is the more desperate? Two nations that don't like each other sharing les bateaux (pardonnez mon francais) et les hommes. A strike for gay rights in the forces - oo la la!!! Still, assuming that both governments have to agree, there won't be many wars. Imagine if there were. The Brits advancing would be falling over the French going the other way.
  7. I'll second that! The first English number1 world Ranking since Faldo in 1994.
  8. I had a film Canon EOS and replaced it a few years ago with the EOS350D ('Rebel' in countries that like redneck names). It produces great results, the standard lens is used almost exclusively and I wouldn't want to change it. Probably the model has changed in name or been upgraded since I bought it but Canon just seems to get better. Have a look on my blog for some recent pics. Regarding editing software, I used Elements but for a few years, when I switched to Mac, Adobe expected me to pay again. I went instead for Gimp, free to download, and it's been fine for my modest needs. For anyone who
  9. Anyone remember when you could actually stand inside the Major Oak? The last time that I saw it, it was fenced off. Still, the poor old thing was on its last legs anyway. Make way for a development of neat little chalet style homes or a commercial park.
  10. Much has changed in that areas since I was a kid, judging by the Google Maps image. The Raleigh factory, if my memory of it's location is correct, is cleared and the Players factory has been replaced by something else. The old bonded warehouses seem to be still their and cream in colour. They were dark green for years after the war. Much of the old Victorian Radford seems to have gone. The Crown Pub seems to have survived - one of those boozers that looked much better on the outside that the inside. There was a canal that ran parallel to Radford Bridge Road. Long gone, I think. When I look a
  11. Well, German and Greek village bullies, at least! !!
  12. Oops! 'Germany to declare war on the US'. Yes, the US forced Japan to act.
  13. The Empire is long gone. Instead of statues for the present family members, perhaps they should surround their various homes with tributes to the taxpayers who have helped them to further enrich themselves.
  14. Over here we have motorcycle ice cream carts with Walls signs on them. They wander around the villages all day. A nice touch from the distant past. Good ice cream too. Given the pregnancy rate amongst the young village girls, a 'Buy Me And Stop One' vendor might provide a useful service.