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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. This picture mid twenties of the Palais shows no developement on the left...ie market buildings...pity it doesn't show a bit more on the left though.
  2. It's probably called Tesco...greedy ********** will buy and sell anything.
  3. Don't know when it was demolished to build the new central market but it was definitely out of use in 1899..those posters look like they may have been posted on an unused building as they are nowadays.Will try and find out more.
  4. I've read that the old prison was already disused in 1899 so I don't know why it's called His Majesty's Prison when it closed in the reign of Victoria.
  5. The yard on the left with the white lorry in used to have gravestones propped up all round against the walls.
  6. Bet ya life it's more than one and a tanner to get in...
  7. Interesting....if that was my garden I would seive the topsoil for anything of interest. If I found nothing,at least the garden would get dug... It must be fascinating to understand that many people 2,000 years previously trampled over the land where you live...not just the odd ploughman or shepherd.
  8. I've got a better perspective of the site now as seen here.The red spot marking an electric sub station which is still there.The gates of which can be seen in the picture on the left .
  9. Came across this sketch from last century.While Broxtowe Estate was being built in the 30s they excavated an Iron age village on the site.Surrounded by a ditch and rampart.It must be strange if you live in one of these houses to think that your garden was settled some two thousand years ago.It would appear that Linbridge Road has been renamed Shipley Road at some time. A village here would certainly have had a heck of a view of the surrounding country.
  10. We're talking me at 15 here...didn't even know they had a bar Went out with a young librarian from there though :tongue: I stopped going in for years and they knocked it down to build the new place. Eight years later I went for a game of snooker and was totally amazed that my cue was hanging on the wall of the new building.Could you imagine that happening nowadays?? In the old building the guys that ran the Snooker hall were Stan...a little bloke wearing a purple cardy....And Jack...a very fair player himself. Joe Davies came once and my brother played him...my brother got to play two
  11. No idea what happened to Charlie Noble but if memory serves me right I used to play snooker with him at the Mechanics Institute.
  12. Don't remember any bare footed kids riddled with rickets in my lifetime...Bulwell no different from any other working class area.
  13. Childhood memories stretch out over a long time...you can't cover them in two minutes...You 'Go on' as long as you want mate.
  14. Everybody knows Sheridan is Mrs Buckets son in university,living with Tarquin in a bedsit and doing embroidery. As for creepy feelings from the past...Sneinton market is the same ...that was invaded by Indians...and Poles...and Lithuanians ...and.....
  15. Seen that somewhere before...they're Germans...SS I think...Channel Islands???
  16. A site on Gotham mentions a Paradise Farm.
  17. I can't understand why the people of Clifton object to the road widening of the M1 route.The houses were built set back in the first place to allow for this,and those buying their council houses knew it.The swathe of land was left there alongside the single carriageway and should be widened as intentioned. A bit like the land intended for a new road through Bestwood to the North, up Edwards Lane and Beckhampton Road, to avoid the jams in Daybrook.This stood without houses on the estate for many years but is now built on as the plans were shelved. The widening and dual carriageway of the A52