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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Ilkeston Co-op is mostly a three story building...
  2. On that building on the right...just under that light fitting sticking out of the wall...is a sign saying 'GENTLEMEN'....Come on somebody....Who's been for a pee there in the sixties?...
  3. Bet ya life those big trees are near a church...there's a big rookery in them too.
  4. That's a Vanguard front grille...the Ensign was small squares not horizontal bars. Not that it answers the question where...
  5. Couldn't hazard a guess...but certainly a different era...No steel shop shutters..No double yellow lines..No litter...And a bike propped up outside the Co-op that isn't getting nicked.:tongue:
  6. I knew I'd know it....Bohemian...that's the one I was trying to remember. I wish to hell I could get fuel at Yankee prices....Rule Brittannia....taxed to hell.
  7. I have a feeling if someone mentioned the name I would know it...that doesn't ring bells...I wonder if it had another name in earlier years? The only pancake house I ever saw was in Leicester near the station.An American idea that never really caught on...wonder why? Pizza parlours did.
  8. I don't remember a coffee bar in that location.I certainly never went in it,maybe it was in the later years after I started using pubs instead. My earliest coffee bar days were in the '49' Burton Street with the Toreador next door.Occasional visits to the Bamboo on Mansfield Road, and the Don Juan opposite the Elite. Coffee was 10d and a bottle of Coke a shilling. Was it Jules et Jim?(sp) on Stoney Street? I never rated the place it was more a haunt of students.There was another one on the 2nd floor of a building just past there in the Lace Market but the name and location evades me. When
  9. It might have been Federici who had a place just off Lincoln St. Old Basford.I seem to remember some vans parked up there many moons ago.
  10. Imagine that nowadays with the 'Elf & Safety mob... I remember them bollocking a newsagent Mrs Moody of Daybrook for using a large spoon to top up cornets in the 70s...she had to buy a purpose made ice cream scoop. She pointed to the urchin she was serving whos hands looked like he'd been cleaning a motorbike....pointing out THAT was the health risk...not her spoon.
  11. I was a bit out with the Pearces sign...it was opposite Triumph Road not Faraday.
  12. To my mind Clough ought to be there anyway...a respected figure for football fans, but means damn all to me. With all the millions they wasted on yet another city square update, they should have built a 50 foot vandal proof column to Robin Hood to really set it off.Something that would have lasted more than twenty years.
  13. Because she was a revered figure in the whole British Empire set up...When Liz dies you will see councils trying to outdo each other with similar statues of her.Unveiled by Charlie and his Adultress...if they're still alive.
  14. The Russians signed a non aggression pact with Germany...but weren't part of the Axis....Didn't do 'em much good though...
  15. I remember as a kid playing on one of the 'stop me and buy one' three wheeled bikes that were piled up abandoned at their place rear of the Swan garage (Or whatever it was called then) around 1955.Never saw one of them 'in action' though.They were already a thing of the past. I noticed in later years that a wall on Ilkeston Road near Faraday Road had a Pearces sign on it...so figure they had moved to new premises by then.
  16. Plantfit...those prices seem cheap for the year.I used to get 5 parkies about that price but thought around 1961....remember Domino?...4 for 6d and joysticks,about ten inches long for fivepence halfpenny.I used to buy Black Russian to look a flash git on the park...tasted like camel s***
  17. Before it was the Swan Garage on Nuthall Road...Pearces ice cream had a place round the back.
  18. Hope they taste 'orrible.... can't find a soddin' one this year.Used to get the huge field ones (Foot across) in an ancient meadow near Hoveringham...Thanks to Tarmac and Co. it's now a ruddy gravel pit....hooligans.
  19. There were phone books in phone boxes too...imagine that nowadays? :tongue:
  20. Does still getting two hotels on Mayfair count for anything??
  21. No ferry there in my time...but the embankment still stops in the same place.. I think there is now a public footpath the full length the river side of the high fence cutting across peoples land who have the mooring rights.
  22. Italian earthquake?...If your geography teacher told you that I think he should changed his subject :tongue:
  23. Anybody remember it? I was in a maths class at the time.We were told..."Remain seated...face the front!...I'll tell you when you can look out the windows!"