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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. Cycled those old roads many times to and from Nottingham in the fifties and sixties...never noticed that before though...Just below Gotham is 'Paradise'???
  2. The whole area was my playground as a kid...bird nesting and paddling in the Soar at Ratcliffe.A mate found some Roman coins at Redhill near where the power station is now.Happy days with no pylons...no traffic rumble from the M1 or low flying aircraft.Just the bats flitting round on warm summer nights in the pitch dark.And once a year the Kingston Show to look forward to. And for railway nuts...From Kegworth station to Nottingham was tenpence halfpenny single or tenpence return...and yes, I have got that the right way round..
  3. Hate and detest the whole crap 'festival' The Christians and capitalists can shove it up their backsides....shortly followed by their Easter eggs.
  4. For Christs sake don't mention Scunthorpe...
  5. Jewish cemetery built 1823...They also had their own gallows on Shakespeare Street as jews weren't allowed to be hung on a Christian gallows.
  6. It says 'made of quality materials' what??...platinum?
  7. That bend in Hucknall Road doesn't fit though??? and the road is too straight to be Mansfield Road from the Arch bridge at Redhill.
  8. I reckon Picture the Past have cocked up...those pics are Hucknall Road I reckon not Edwards lane.I can't see they would move thousands of tons of stone to create the look of this modern picture.Hucknall Road looks just like those old pics just below Perry road...or would have done before road widening.Is Hucknall road in existence on that old map of yours Cliff Ton?? But there again Hucknall road isn't dead straight like those old pics...today it bears to the left as it starts to climb the other side.
  9. Magic!! That puts the lake at the back of the pub...I wonder if those nursery fields belonged to the lakeside house? If those pictures with the sandstone cutting are back up the hill towards Sherwood?...then they must've moved a hell of a lot of rock to build the housing estate. All in all it looks like a cracking area to live in those days...provided you weren't in the workhouse of course.
  10. Hope nobody minds my putting these on of Edwards lane...Can't work out where the high sandstone used to be.One of the pictures shows a lakeside house that I believe is where the pub now stands.Edit...Picture the past confirms the lake was where the pub now stands..It belonged to a nurseryman called Mee...My mothers maiden name...I wonder????
  11. I would have said a bit further forward Cliff Ton..The brickwork does look like a bridge over the stream which puts it closer to the present day pub.On old maps that house is marked as 'lodge' It also shows the stream as being a small lake at that point.The area was called Daybrook Vale.With Daybrook Vale Farm a few hundred yards up the road.In the sixties I used to live where the farm was, and the postal address then was just Sherwood. In 1959 a bungalow was being built next door and they uncovered a horse skeleton.We were astounded to see guys in white overalls collecting soil samples.They
  12. A bunch of saddos getting a hard on from seeing the worn out tits of a few tarts....No wonder these women think all men are leering idiots to be taken to the cleaners.
  13. Can't remember who she married now...You'd better take a cold shower!! Randy old goat.
  14. Beat ya rotten there mate...I was pals with her daughter Suzanne.She was a Tommy steel fan and the first time I heard the words Rock n Roll was when she mentioned it to me.The jet station was Swan Garage in those days.Now of course lotsa little houses.
  15. She taught me how to make daisy chains well I was only about seven at the time.
  16. I should think not at a 10d a pack...you may as well get Senior Service at 1/11d for 10 or you could go way over the top and go to that beer off on the Western Boulevard island and get some Black Russians.They're bound to impress the girls on Melbourne Park.
  17. Katyjay...The Google maps show the hotel as the Commodore...and Sainsbury's next door...that threw me too... Rob...Chick Zamick (Nottm.Panthers) lived two doors up from me on Llanberis Grove for a couple of years when I was about 12...played tennis with him on cinderhill Park a couple of times. My childhood memories are incredible in detail which I won't bore you lot with...yet strangely later years are nowhere as precise. Me and Billy Foster aged six round the back of a bomb shelter at school with a girl called June,exploring her knickers...Met her again aged 17,but she wouldn't repeat the
  18. My thread....I'll usurp it if I want :tongue:
  19. "What do you think Mohammed?" "Well we are looking at 2,000 years ago...I would think it's some sort of religious shrine!...obviously the local Shaman conducted rituals and gave offerings to the their God Google" "There are a hell of a lot of them" "Yes...it was a religion that lasted many years, well into the 2200s wherever there was population density...Quite possibly sites of human sacrifice where they offered the few remaining white skinned people to the Gods" "So you think there were as many as there are garden mosques today?" "Oh no not that many...just a couple of million.... "
  20. I remember the name well and believe he also ran an agency placing groups in pubs etc.
  21. The 'twitchell' is still there but blocked off at Bar Lane...it still shows up well from an aerial view...I was encouraged as a kid to take the route through the allotments across Bar Lane and down the twitchell to High Street and on to Whitemoor School. Mum took me to school twice and then I went on my own...Five years old and walking to school on my own...My God haven't things changed? Being a friendly little sod I made friends of Guildford girls walking in the opposite direction,I saw the same faces day after day....so much so that when I told them it was soon to be my birthday,a group of
  22. Sainsbury's car park is round the back Katyjay...same as when it was a cinema and the Commodore. I must apologise to anyone who is a stranger to this area and to whom it means absolutely nothing....But one thing that's always bugged me is that on all old maps Bar Lane doesn't run through to Nuthall Road until about the thirties...I've eventually sussed where the old road ran. Just over the brow of the hill on the right with the Commodore in the distance...is an old track that ran into the old allotments..it's still there... After a hundred yards or so it turned sharp left downhill, and it
  23. Hope you're not including me in your comment Rob?...If you are I challenge you to a duel in St.Anns with the drug dealers weapon of your choice.(Excluding the Uzi)