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Everything posted by carni

  1. Hello Nonna, I am a member on Ancestry. I only have the basic account but I just went on to my tree to see if it was working properly. I did a bit of delving and all is working OK for me. Guess what. There was a message waiting for me from someone who's Great Auntie turns out to be my Great Grandma. Small world Aye.
  2. I didn't know about teeth removal pre heart surgery, though I had learnt that the state of the teeth can affect the heart. I have just googled and found this information on the NHS site. Very informative. For some reason I have been slowly losing my teggies over the last few years? I have been going to the same dental practice since 1971ish. Apart from a two year gap in the 80s, through close bereavement, I attended every six months, had them cleaned and polished twice yearly and any treatment my dentist
  3. I missed it Margie, but I will definitely watch it when it comes around again. I will spend a bit of time today, finding and listening to the songs on You tube.
  4. On my profile, there is an option of 'See my activity' I assume we have all got that option. When I click on it I get a long list of my posts from way back. It might be a way of finding Jonabs picture? It's just an idea to try.
  5. I always wanted to watch Les Miserables, but didn't know what to expect,so when they started showing it on TV, I got my chance. My Goodness, at times I felt so full of despair for those people, I didn't feel as though I was watching a drama, it felt like the real thing. It upset me quite alot to see such hopelessness for so many of the people in those times but I couldn't stop watching. Like you Margie, I'm so glad I watched it, and wont ever forget it.
  6. My Hero No cream cake's gone?
  7. Lol Beekay. I really have no idea. I always look at my posts afterwards to see if there is an error I have missed, and need a quick edit. Oops, there it was?
  8. Sometimes that is the purpose?????????
  9. Yay Yay Hoorah. Happy Days are here again....Oh Boy have I had withdrawal symptoms, haven't known what to do wimisen today. I shut the lid down on my Laptop last night to watch summut on the tele for half an hour. I lifted the lid afterwards and it wouldn't come back on?, and that's how it stayed until a few minutes ago when no 1 son found a site on his Laptop. He typed in Acer and asked for was as follows. Turn Laptop over. You will see a tiny hole near the label. Push in a paperclip about half an inch, until you feel it contact, and gently press..........Wallah. Tha
  10. I think it was me who did the snatching Lizzie. The poor lad didn't stand a chance. We had a great two and half years courting, made some fab memories. When I think back to our teens, it makes me smile at our antics together. I still had a social life with my friends in Nottm, during the weekdays while living through those courting years, but I lived for Friday nights when we would be together until Sunday afternoon and any holidays as well. Good Times. I count myself as very lucky to have been in Skeggy on that life changing week in the summer of 1964.
  11. Stands a good chance Lizzie. Chris probably saved me.......Put me on the straight and narrow...Ooooooooh My Hero.
  12. Ian, if they did, I was too shy to notice! Yes Gem, your cousin had the right idea, also cotton wool pushed into the pointed shoes to stop the point turning up. I can't remember if it worked though.
  13. I can't remember being mod or rocker either. (I hope SueB48 comes on, she helps me out with memories) We had Bouffant hair, pointed toe shoes, pencil skirts, skin tight sky blue jeans, Blue eye shadow and lots of black eye liner. Baby Pink lipstick and not forgetting (mentioned on here before) Rosebud whirlpool bras, so pointy they would end up dinted!!!!! Not as sexy as our benjs liberty bodice though. I think we were just teenagers, perhaps we lead a sheltered life being from a village? So long as we could have a jive or twist, we enjoyed most music.
  14. Sounds like you had a great birthday party Col. Relax time now. Prepare. Just think you can celebrate all over again on the 3rd of Feb, when it's your official 70th birthday. Great Cake Col.
  15. Naturally? Not for long aye benj. It's the 'Liberty Bodice and Silk Hankies' that do it.
  16. Too true Mary, perhaps a few secs to take the chill off. But I agree, thirty seconds would ruin them. Sometimes the wait for the oven to warm up is torture.
  17. Perhaps a cold bite out of one on the way to the door?
  18. Ian, Thirty seconds in the mic. No Contest.
  19. I'm not sure whether this story is ghostly or coincidence. See what you think. Around 1970, returning home from taking my young son to school, I witnessed a very upsetting accident involving a car and little black kitten. The car hit the kitten, and the driver just got out of the car picked it up by its back legs and put it over the low wall in front of a row of small terraced houses. It had devastating head injuries. I told a neighbour who went to investigate as I couldn't face it. It was already dead. In the year 2000 my daughter and granddaughter moved into a little terrace hous
  20. Roger, I have clicked your link but just get a message from google accounts to sign in?
  21. Tucked husband up with his bottle of red wine in the front room, he's watching VERA. The only time I will turn a blind eye to him eyeing a woman for two hours. ITV. Bless . And for me, in the back room, my cuppa tea and bar of Cadburys, feet on pouffe, all relaxed and comfy and awaiting Les Miserables on BBC1. Brilliant programme, great acting. Must go. Paris is calling.
  22. Is there any hope for me. Please say yes. .
  23. Sorry mate, we ate the lot, plastic bendy spatula ensured there was nothing left in the bowl. I wish the soft plastic spatulas had been invented when we were kids. They would have cleaned the cake mix bowl a treat.
  24. Good on you Ian. I bet you made their day. A good deed is never forgotten. Shame on me though. I started my diet this morning! Opened the fridge door, saw the trifle I made yesterday and realised it was taking too much room up on the shelf. I needed the space for my diet/healthy food..........................So we ate it. For Breakfast. Twas very nice.