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Everything posted by MartynE

  1. I remember in the early 60's trying to get home from work one night. I worked at Oscrofts on Castle Boulevard and travelled to and from on my motor bike. I eventually managed to get home to Valley Road and as I drove into our drive, I was followed in by a car that had been tailing me! We lived between Ventnor Rise and the High School playing field, the River Leen ran along and under the back gardens and was a magnet to the smog.
  2. That's them, When you see him next him please mention Martyn and Doreen from Newark. The world gets smaller with age! Regards.
  3. Interesting one. The lead singer and harmonica player of the Honeycombs was Dennis D'Ell. Prior to me moving to Braintree 18 months ago I lived in a very pretty but isolated Essex village called Finchingfield. Dennis lived in a flat in the old Guildhall and his brother Lol lived just along the road from me. Hi Firbeck, Nothing to do with the topic, but do you by any chance know my cousins, John and Jenny Kelly, they live in Finchingfield, The Green? Regards.
  4. Hi Paul, Another name that comes to mind from Teesdale garage, a nice lad called John Thomas! he worked in the paint/body shop, he lived up Ventnor Rise not far from me. Is the garage still there? Also I used to have my hair cut by a guy called George Jones in Nuthall Road, near to Bar Lane, he also coached me for swimming at the Victoria baths, he won a large amount on the pools. Regards.
  5. My first job after leaving school in 1958, was at the Teesdale Garage in Hucknall Road near to Haydn Road. I think it was owned by Vic Slaney and the foreman was called Frank Cartwright, he lived across the road. I then went to a garage in Nuthall Road called, I think Swann self drive. After I came out of the army I worked at Oscrofts in Castle Boulevard, one of the white coats there was a guy called Smedley, I think he was an ex Notts cricketer? I can't even manually check my engine oil now, it has to be done by the computer! Regards.
  6. I played snooker at Fodens Club and lived on London Road opposite the shops, used to socialise with a lot of the Fodens and ERF lads. I liked that Robinsons ale.
  7. Hi mate, It was very early 60s when we occasionally went in and usually on a Friday or Saturday night, just for one drink. There used to be forms/benches in there and often a crowd of matelots, probably on leave, it was one of the places we were very careful in! Also The Sawyers arms was a real trouble spot. Regards.
  8. We must be of similar age Paul? I was born in 1943. Trying to think of some of my school friends names! I remember Alan Glenn, Malc Cotis aka Bellamy, Kenny Brant, ended up in the nick I think, Nopper Dickens, Mick Cope, Peter Orme and one of my best mates, Keith "flash" Daws, we joined the army around the same time, but never heard anything about him for at least 46 years. Martyn
  9. Alright? We lived in Elworth, Sandbach for about 15 years, not far from you. What great site you have here. Cheers mate.
  10. When we used to drink in the Turf Tavern in the late 50s early 60s, some of the blokes used to nip out to Tom Sandersons tripe shop, just down the street and bring it back in and eat it out of the paper, some of them dipped it into their pint of mild! I was often offered some to try, but never did. The landlady, Beatie West used to love it. Regards.
  11. Hi, I've just discovered thi site, We used to frequent the Turf in the late 50s and early 60s when on leave and after leaving the army. Beattie West was the blonde behind the bar, she was the landlady at the time and could more than hold her own if anybody stepped out of line. We often used to end the night there as it wasn't far to get the bus back home from Trinity Square, the number 17, 2d (2 old pence) back to Valley Road! Regards.
  12. Hi Paul, I went to the Ellis and left in 1958. I was "transferred" from the High Pavement in about 1956. I remember Alf Kinder and I think Mr Hadrill was head at the time, Black Dan, yes, but like you can't remember his name. Used to go to the fair at, Billy Bacon's? My Mum used to work at Saxby's, I think that was on Bar Lane as well. Happy!!! days, when were you there? Regards, Martyn.
  13. Thanks Rog "Ayup", That reminds me of when we used to go to the match on, I think it was a 43 trolley bus to Trent Bridge. "Owd yer tite and pass darrn bus" Regards, Martyn
  14. I just stumbled on this site after googling the Turf Tavern, one of my old haunts in the late 50s, early 60s. I was born in 1943 in LongEaton, but spent most of my youth living on Valley Road near the High School playing fields. Went to Heathfield Primary (Scotland Place), then High Pavement, but they quickly Sussed me out and I went to the Ellis Bar Lane. Joined Army Apprentices in 1959, left! in 1962. Used to drink at the Shoulder of Mutton Basford, the Royal Oak Sherwood Rise and when in town we always started at the Turf, Beatie West was the landlady. Used to go to the Newmarket? oppo