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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Think was always a disco when we went, was many moons ago, do remember crashing my bike just down the road from there on the way home one night though! (previously related somewhere on here)
  2. The Log Cabin is/was at the back of The Royal Oak Watnall, a former RAF hut
  3. Thank you ciff ton, as you say not so clear, but you can still see Bulwell Lane was the only road, also that the angle of the road/railway crossing was far different to what's there today, "aimed at" Lincoln Street (and indeed named thus) whereas today and for many years more of a right angle with David Lane being the main road and the crossing called such. As regards a turnpike who knows, though no sign of any toll house and the original name of the pub was the station hotel (more than likely owned by The GNR?) think the name change more of a gimmick, along side the likes of the slug and let
  4. Yes, could well be be just a nickname, but as the map shows no pub in the 1870's so would the locals have used that name in later days? as mentioned I only relate what I'm told, my dad was born in 1916 at 510 Vernon Rd and he said it was always known as cacthems, would like to see the next section showing Bulwell Lane going "south", maybe as far back to Southwark St and the crossings? (thanks)
  5. It wasn't the bridge that was called that, I just put that in as a pointer as to where catchems corner was/is , it was of course never an official street name, my assumption is it was used by the locals to describe a place where you could "catch em" (the em being a shortened "them" and meaning trains or trams} We can only rely on what we're told or read as being correct when it comes to history of that era? I was told that the Midland Railway built Vernon Road with it's original "southern end" joining Church St as an "Old Basford Bypass" so road traffic (what there was in those days) need
  6. yes that was it in later years, couldn't think of the name, was still claytons in about 1959, recall hitting a kerb on the forest at speed in pitch darkess on the forest, big high one, hit it square on both wheels, didn't fall off but as well as about castrating me put 2 massive dents in both rims, claytons said needed new rims, AC Sports Haydn Rd bashed them out with hardly a mark dead cheaply
  7. sounds like Jack Claytons on corner of Radford Rd/Wilkinson St, though by 1965 might have had new owner and name? a few doors up towards town on same side was the original valve shop where the grandfather of the lads who now run the shops sold s/h telly's and believe or not valves for such! he lived on Egypt Rd and had a shed workshop there, was a regular contributor to our bonfire night rubbish collections with loads of massive old tv cabinets that at best had only a 14" screen, sorry to go off topic
  8. That fire was nowt to do with me, got an alibi, out of the country that day, wasn't me who was seen watching it go up, witness was mistaken
  9. search on here and you will find what I believe is the origin of "Brain Damage" (DSOTM) if you can't find it pm me
  10. lol, you should have seen it when the house next door to you was raided, stoned for days!
  11. can't find hollinwell on any maps, show said it was hollinwell showground
  12. programme on ITV now investigating such, why 300 children plus adults even horses had fainting attacks and other things, choking, eyes running etc, general opinion is either mass hysteria or some toxic chemical in the grass was disturbed by the marching bands, I remember such happening, it was the same day and time that Sankey's plant pot factory at Bulwell went up in flames, hundreds of thousands of plastic plant pots burning with a terrific black pall of smoke like something out the blitz, and yes it was drifting roughly to the east for some considerable time with a real toxic smell/tas
  13. Re the too good to be true, they were just ordinary ebay adverts, with bids on them and the buy it now price was at the lower end of what you would expect to pay, (still in the thousands) I am now beginning to wonder if the adverts and the emails were 2 seperate unrelated scams? say that as asked where one bike could be viewed, the reply via ebay further convinced me it was a scam as the buy it now price included delivery and went on to reassure me all was ok as if I did not like the bike when it arrived I was covered by ebay so could get my money back from them! but if I did want to see
  14. have bought a few bikes via ebay, a van and 2 cars inc one I still have, never no trouble or rip off etc, the thing is they are after your email, and I guess assume 1) you have money for lifting, and 2) by clever wording etc get you believing you have been conned, and what's the first thing you do if you think that? contact your bank! and if in Barclay's the email address etc is there in front of you on the "official" headed email that says the money has been transferred, does not ask for passwords, account details etc, guess that comes in their next email? by the way now had 4 emails from
  15. they were removed same day by ebay (yesterday), no I didn't get scammed but did put bid in on a bike, then got a email from a bank say £6800 had been transferred, as mentioned not my bank but if it had been and I replied who knows?
  16. The fraudsters are about! putting items (motorbikes and cars) on there at bargain buy it now prices, done quite well, usually in a womans name, (the old man's died and left this bonneville or class car in the garage?) and they don't know it's value so underpriced, no doubt some might even "buy it unseen"? but the clever bit is they leave bits out, might not mention if mot'd, or where it is, so you ask via email, next is you get an official looking email with correct headings logo's from a bank saying in my case, £6800 has been transferred! I do not bank with that one, but guess about a on
  17. Am still wondering why the road is so "wide" at that point? think I'm right assuming the houses there long before the dual carriageway and before the latter there was just a 2 way traffic one? Tend now to think the properties, houses garage school etc had lots of land (in the case of the houses long front gardens) and such taken for the added 2 lanes?
  18. Yes Victoria, seem to recall reading Queen's Drive was an un named road when she visited to possibly open/reopen the railway station and as driven down that road it got that name from then?
  19. "I fear that many Co-ops will disappear in the years to come." I look forward to it!
  20. More a national company of course and today alot of fuss being made of some new "green" headquarters or whatever with talk of the co ops wanting to become the best supermarkets in the uk, there will have to be vast price reductions in my opinion for that to happen! A typical example being a certain brand of bread at £1.85 at the co op with identical loaves at another well known supermarket only £1 My memories of a certain branch in the late 1950's/early 1960's were of a great youth club above the shop, however looking back realise now such seemed to be a recruiting ground for the labour par
  21. I once bought a pair of water ski's, totally waste of money as I couldn't find a canal or river with a slope on it
  22. ditto the railways, though as that big guess more room for error that would not be noticed? read somewhere that the workforce on The Great Central Bagthorpe Junction embankments through to New Basford Station numbered 3000!