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Everything posted by jackson

  1. Thanks Stu for reminding me and to you other fellas for being gentle over my mistake. Just shows how words become defunct. Gave me a laugh anyway and that can't be bad!
  2. I love the way the gentleman's posing on the corner in jimmy87notts photograph. Ashley, I'm remembering back to the 50's when there was only 1 car on the road where I lived. It was a black Ford and had we kids fascinated: we'd stand on the dashboard and look in through the tiny windows. Mr Samples, the father of my friend David owned it; he worked many hours at Raleigh Industries in order to afford it.
  3. THE LADY MAGPIE A few years back there seemed to be a vast amount of magpies flying into and over my garden. Squawking and strutting about the lawn like Nazi Generals, I like everybody else was fed up with their invasion. And then one day from the kitchen window I saw that one had literally landed in my garden and showed no signs of flying away. I felt something was wrong, so I went outside to take a look. As I approached the magpie it showed no signs of struggle. Standing in front of the bird, it looked up, cocked its head to one side and looked deep into my eyes. I was touched - felt
  4. Admire you Beefsteak, look the hard truth in the face.
  5. Unbelievable the poverty depicted in these photographs - makes you feel guilty that things are so much better for us these days. . . . and yet the sense of community felt in top photograph.
  6. Thank you to the kind soul who - on my behalf - has inserted a miniature copy of the 'Mona Lisa' (Leonardo da Vinci). I like it. Art Critic Walter Pater in an essay on Leonardo (1867) described the 'Mona Lisa' as 'an illusionary example of enduring femininity, "older than the rocks among which she sits and who has been dead many times and learned the secrets of the grave." '
  7. Regarding the 'Nottingham Contemporary'; my opinion is that it resembles a quickly constructed temporary warehouse.
  8. Well said Fynger - I laughed out loud at this, thanks for the laugh.
  9. Thanks poohbear for making available these Wonderful photographs. We always think of the swan as being serene but these are a real eye opener. Once standing at the side of Wollaton Park lake a swan approached, got out of the water and came and stood at the side of me. I spoke to the huge bird and felt so honoured that it remained for quite a time at my side. I often think of this precious moment in time. I will return to take a look at your photographs many times. Recently I wrote a short story based upon a crow, it came second in a competition. A fascination with crows is inherent with
  10. Hi Cliff Ton, lovely photograph bringing back memories of me standing on such gates as these that were placed at the bottom of Bells Lane. It always gave me a thrill as a child because I knew it wouldn't be long before the train was passing on its way up to Cinderhill Colliery.
  11. Caught Up in the Whirlwind of FAME Recent film of Whitney showed her so angry. Like Amy, beautiful and talented and taken by drugs . . .
  12. Welcome Hazel. A whispering in your ear: 'Nottstalgia' can become addictive.
  13. Hi Pixie, being happy is the best thing. I wished I could walk to a set of shops - there's some kin d of freedom in this.
  14. Will think about this mick but I'm not that way up with computer technology - not like the rest of you on here. Thanks.
  15. Stu, will play this after I sign off - as well as 'Mr Pitiful' of course!
  16. Posing again poohbear? My, you ain't 'arf handsome!
  17. OLDACE, I love your bird and weather reporting. A few days ago, a flock of what I believed were starlings landed on an apple tree of mine in the back garden; I'd left a load of gorgeous red apples on this tree thinking that they could be of use to Nature rather than me. Would the birds have been starlings because the bottom part of their breasts were fluffy white feathers?
  18. I've taken loads of slides in the past, I'll have to check them out - thanks for reminding me.
  19. Good Morning Stu, just couldn't stop playing 'Mr Pitiful' yesterday - I can really feel the rhythm in that one - 'Mod' is in my soul. Will get round to reading Townshend soon - what you recommended me - and get back to you. Have a Great Day. Christine XX
  20. Lovely photograph loppylugs: turbulent sky and wild wasteland, a little bit of washing and the houses packed in between.
  21. Bless you Mudgie49. Strange you should say that but 'Mr Pitiful' always makes me feel like dancin'; must admit I was doin' some twitchin' whilst 'sitting comfy'. I don't care, let them stare - it's whatever turns you on eh?
  22. These people who up sticks and go, I do so envy you. Time I did something about it!
  23. Didn't know this one mick but my opinion: it's as good as the rest! Thank you.
  24. How time does fly loppylugs. Looks like you did something with your life: going to live in Georgia.