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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. Sarah has done very well. She always visits us when she's back over here... as do her Mum and Dad.
  2. My Grandfather's half sister went to Oz from Nottm. in 1919 with a chap called John Munson Their descendents seem to have done well in Adelaide as senior members of the local Police force. Much later, my neighbours from here in deepest, Lancs. who are basicaly Scousers, moved over to Oz. 1995 I think. All did well. One of their daughters became a successful school teacher and the other is I believe pretty well known as Sarah Farnsworth, ABC Court Reporter. (Channel 9?) Sarah used to babysit my kids.
  3. I just wanted to throw something in here which I meant to say last night but got side tracked. I see a BIG difference between 'Religion' and 'Faith'. I do believe that many people have genuine faith in something spiritual. Some notion of a personal relationship with God, or similar. I don't share this Faith.. but I think I can understand it. This is why I am convinced that faith can only be arrived at on a personal level and cannot be imposed. Religion on the other hand.. smacks to me of the triumph of ritual/prescription and mostly organised, prescriptive hierarchi
  4. Meanwhile.. Mrs Col has not stopped going on about bloody Broccoli for days. It was mushrooms before that. I like both.. very much. but I can manage without them for a few days or even weeks. My view is that so long as I can get some sort of fresh fruit and veg.. I'll avoid malnutrition for a couple of months... Thing is I'm really not happy about either of us venturing into shops at present. Maybe when admissions to hospital and cases in general start to fall significantly... but not yet. But then today as I set out on my walk, I encountered a lady from the bottom
  5. Morrison's have been doing something similar for a while. Somewhere here I described what came in their £35 'basics' parcel. Ours had meat such as mince, chicken, ham, sausages and bacon, but they also do 'meat free' versions. David, please make sure you read the small print re: altering/editing your order. Easy to leave it too late.
  6. I find myself in unnaccustomed agreement with you.
  7. It's not likely Brew. They operate like extremists the World over. They try to present their arguments as reasonable, supported by 'evidence' etc. Their 'evidence' is their own particular interpretation of a 'The Bible', which itself is a book riddled with dispute, numerous 'versions' etc. They then go on, in effect, to say that anyone who disagrees with them is, by definition, evil. It's a tactic as old as the hills, used by everyone from the Tudors and Stuarts, to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. If you disagree with us you are clearly treasonous/insane/ignorant/de
  8. Indeed. I reckon I could save a few quid by 'SORN' ing my car, suspending the insurance for a few months or whatever.. But even with nowhere much to go.. I'm still keen to keep my car ready and waiting.. 'for emergencies.'
  9. Loppy, I don't think that religion is a 'taboo' subject on NS. I certainly have no objection to anyone expressing their faith here. The only religions/religious people I take issue with, are those who feel they have the right to impose their faith on others, especially those, such as ISIS, who believe they have the right to demand acquiescence and obedience from everyone... but I'd extend that to those who insist on indoctrination of innocent children. For me, religion, by definition, can only exist where there is Faith... and Faith can only truly exist within an indi
  10. I went out in my car last night. Having not been further than round the block in my car since March 6th, I drove over to my younger daughter's place 20 miles away to pick up some welcome goodies she had managed to secure from her local Aldi. In exchange I took her some Arborio Rice. She makes a mean Risotto. Mine usually turns out like wallpaper paste... Obviously I didn't go into her house. I placed her goodies on the front step and she did the same with mine. Her partner also appeared and we all chatted from a safe distance until the biting east wind got too much for me and
  11. I was deeply sorry to hear of your loss Sue. You are in my thoughts.
  12. Only if we cannot agree a taxation system to suit. Why should health be the only area where limits are applied? I suspect after CV people might be a tad more amenable to a 'health tax' to replace the now hopelessly out of touch NI. And you are ignoring the influence of private sector profiteers enabled by NHS England.. which is not what people think the NHS really is.. but is simply a Commissioning/Contracting organisation busy dishing out OUR money to assorted crooks. No doubt you mean Brown. Long time ago and no longer a viable excuse. Possibly.
  13. Something hopeful from the much maligned PFM.
  14. I've always been a night person Brew. Never was much on early mornings. I didn't get out of bed till well after 10:00 a.m. yesterday and spent much of the day dozing.
  15. He should be put on trial.
  16. I consider myself admonished Brew. It was crass and unthinking of me to criticise the Greatest Man to Ever Walk The Earth. When I think of all the wonderful things he says he has done for his country and the World.. I am quite literally amazed. Nobody else could have said he has done so much for his country as Trump says he has done for his country. In fact.. Trump is so much better at saying how much he has done for his country than anything other Leaders say they have done for their country.. that I'm convinced that Trump is convinced that he has done mo
  17. I realise that the UK economy is quite important to the UK. I also realise that the UK economy is suffering.. and likely to suffer much more.. from the CV Crisis. However.. I really don't think that now is the time for Govt and others to start talking about 'balancing' damage to the economy.. with 'beating the bug'. To put it bluntly, I really couldn't give a shit about the economy. It will recover, sooner or later. Putting it another way.. I'd sooner be unemployed than dead. I've tried unemployment many times. It was never fun... especially
  18. I disagree. Being closer isn't necessarily being better informed. More likely to be carpet bombed with the local message. Trumps is, has always been, and always be.. an idiot.
  19. Explain please? What is wrong with Trump's opposition?
  20. I must be looking at totally different information. Every time the Orange Clown opens his tiny mouth he dribbles out the most appalling drivel I have ever heard from any leader of a free country in my 71 years. He is self obsessed. He is basically a spoiled child. He cannot abide, or deal, with criticism. His latest idiocy is to halt US funding to the WHO, because he just hasn't the maturity or emotional intelligence to deal with the fact that they see the problem differently to him. He is an idiot. If he cannot defeat other arguments/opinions with his
  21. Deepdene Boy, you have my sincerest condolences. Sounds like your Dad was a real force for good both in his family and in the wider World. You are right to be proud of him.
  22. Woke up this morning feeling a lot better. However... when I got up and moving I felt a bit ropey though not as bad as yesterday. Spent a good few hours on the Sun lounger. Surprising how warm 13 Degrees C can feel in still air with strong Sun. Went for a walk around 5 pm. I expected many to be home, getting ready for Tea/Dinner/Supper whatever. but no. Cyclists, runners, walkers everywhere. Difficult to keep distance. A half hour walk wiped me out. Whatever got me yesterday still affecting me. But I do feel much better.
  23. I have to admit to being more out of touch than I thought.. having retired 6 years ago. However.. I do think that the lack of apprentice 'take up' by employers is the same as it has always been. Business, expects Govt. to operate an Education and Training System purely for the 'Needs of Industry'. It does not expect to pay for it, and it was trained to expect both free training and free labour under Thatcher and gives little or no thought to the idea of at least some choice for those leaving education. The idea of Apprenticeships is still valid, but they cannot be done on the ch
  24. I woke early this morning (Monday) with a violent case of the 'trots', a headache, nausea, dizziness and a stiff neck. Not really what you want in the current environment and I was worried, but managed to get couple more hours of rather fitful sleep. Got out of bed feeling dire. 'Flu-ish feelings in stomach and down spine to lower back. Chills and the shakes. but no temperature. I eventually worked out that it is almost certainly an ear problem. My left ear does seem to 'go-off' with little provocation. A few drops in the ear, a bit of Valium. Double value from tha
  25. See... you just can't sustain that gruff, insular persona for long..