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Everything posted by DJ360

  1. I have been meaning to transcribe that article since David posted the link, as it is a very old clipping and not easy to read. I shall endeavour to do so today. The article makes clear that the body was found some distance from Bobber's Mill Crossing and that it appeared the young man had crossed, or accessed the line by some 'unofficial' route. Here it is. From the Derby Daily Telegraph, 16.09.1909. The original. And my transcription. Intriguing that the case was adjourned.. so that there is very probably further informa
  2. If you've got it... flaunt it!!!
  3. On my second attempt: I should add I've never had any training, but spent donkey's years typing up reports etc in work.
  4. Interesting. A very good song, but neither typical Motown, nor an especial favourite of mine. I suspect it gets the vote by having 'crossed over' into a wider 'listenership' than more typical Motown. It's become something of a 'rock' standard.and is essentially a rock song which gets performed by many who wouldn't go near more 'typical' Motown. Often taking inspiration from versions bt Jeff Beck, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
  5. Indeed Kev. Mine was scrawled with tributes to Ray Charles.. such that when I had very brief intercontinental contact with a former class mate now in Oz.. he recalled me as the school's 'biggest Ray Charles fan'.
  6. High Pavement was a relatively 'liberal' school. Although there were uniform rules.. there was always a bit of leeway. You could usually get away with socks that were other than the regulation grey or brown.. though I doubt that you'd have gone unnoticed wearing Dayglo colours.. or white. There was a rule that school caps must be worn with the rest of uniform, when outside school. I don't think that was ever enforced during my time there.. I could imagine announcements in assembly "Jenkins Minor was seen without a cap on Gainsford Crescent this morning. For this gross
  7. I don't understand your reference to two DACS. ( Digital to Analogue Converters) You can only convert a digital signal to analogue once.. so if you have more than one DAC available.. you need to decide which sounds best and use that. I suppose you could convert digital to analogue, then use an ADC back to digital and convert again via a second DAC.. but why not just use the second DAC first..? All 'one box' CD players have a DAC built in, so that they can read the digital datastream on the disc..., convert it to analogue and then output it as a line level analogue signal like any
  8. My Mum always bought my High Pavement uniform from Dixon and Parker. (D&P) in Friar Lane. I was grateful for this because other suppliers, especially the normally excellent Co-op.. weren't up to the job. The main item was of course the jacket. it was only at D&P that you got the rich, deep chocolate brown jacket. The Co-op ones were a lighter.. orangey sort of brown. which got more obvious with age and wear. I recall in my first year at HP I even had the long grey socks with the tops in the school colours of brown blue and gold.. to go with the short trousers. I hated tho
  10. I am very grateful for all contributions to solving the location of mystery signal box.
  11. Only about 50% cloud here and it's actually warm when cloudy and warmer again when the Sun pops out. First time for what seems like months. I suppose you lot in the East Migglunds 'rain shadow' will all be basking in unbroken sunshine. ...
  12. Not at all DA, I am very grateful for your contribution, and those of others like Kev (Cliff-Ton) At the start of this thread I knew that my Mum told me she lived in Nut Yard and I knew that my Grandfather, Great GF and probably other family members had lived at the Railway House at Bobber's Mill. But that's about all I knew and I'm only sorry that I didn't do more research whilst they were all still around for me to ask. You haven't confused me DA. I don't recall ever visiting Bobber's Mill crossing 'consciously' and I didn't know the area well when I lived in Nottingham, which
  13. Welcome to Nottstalgia from me too Dark Angel. Many thanks for the information you've posted. To be honest, I can't visualise where you think the crossing was and what is there now. Could you give any more pointers? Thanks again.
  14. I think it's simpler than that. They do not see or hear the warnings. Those types of idiots don't watch or listen to News, or read papers. Many can't read, or can only do so while moving their lips. Reading.. of anything.. is something they only do if forced to. They live in a parallel world.
  15. And after a couple of minutes installing the Zen, updating to latest software etc.. I just fed it a couple of CDs which it 'auto rips' and all the info/metadata appears as if by magic on my Tablet... which will then replay it after a single 'tap'. Isn't 'stupid tech' wonderful?
  16. Actually £995.. so a veritable steal.... Thing is as I said above I've been dancing around this stuff for years and decided to take the plunge with a simple, reliable solution to transferring all my CDs to a server. Can't be doing with assorted other methods. This one, as everyone says.. 'just works'.
  17. I have given up on Exact Audio Copy. I used to use it to copy CD-RWs made from vinyl transfers on my Yamaha CD recorder.. as it meant I could use ordinary CDRs.. which cost nowt.. rather than the CD-R 'Music' ones which are the only ones which work in the CDR (Serial copy management.. music industry levies.. etc.) But EAC has stopped working for me, despite installing the latest version etc. Anyway. The Innuos has a fab reputation for the solidity and ease of use of its internal software etc. So, I've downloaded the Orange Squeeze app from Google Play, to an old cheap tablet.
  18. I recently 'acquired' a bigger and far better TV than my current Panasonic V6 'Smart TV'. The bigger one is a Samsung, has a better picture, works more 'intelligently' with 'ancillaries' etc., and looks better. So, whilst 'Er indoors' was 'outdoors', I moved the armchair from between my Hi-Fi speakers and replaced it with the new TV. Next, I put the armchair where the TV had been. Bit of faffing with different wires etc... and I had the 'new' TV up and running. From my point of view this is a far better set up. People from all chairs in the room can see the telly, and I can pu
  19. Around 1966, a gang of us would go out on Friday nights in an A55 Cambridge van. We'd often call at the Highland Laddie in Kimberley to pick up another of our number and play darts, before setting off to the exotic surroundings of Langley Mill and Aldercar Working Men's Club and Institute... Ltd.... where we would play a few games of snooker. I think there were a couple of other places we'd visit too, before we hit Ilkeston for the Grande Finale. This would entail a pint or so in, I think, the Three Horse Shoes, before we went off to Ilkeston Bowling Alley for a couple of frames and then h
  20. You know the saying Margie. 'Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional.'
  21. Gosh! Looks like I've missed lots of excitement... And lizzie, thanks for the 'Big Up', but in 1965 I was just starting work as an engineering apprentice at't pit. I didn't become a world famous and much loved Fab DJ until 1969.. I was in Nottm from Saturday until Monday morning. Went to the famed Gala Bingo both Saturday and Sunday nights and can only say that the place is a sorry reflection of what it was when it first opened. Was bought out by 'Buzz' a little while back. Prizes, attendance and the whole atmosphere have gone down hill. Only one of two bars open and two sta
  22. Setting off for Nottm in an hour or so. Just the usual flying visit to see family. Will no doubt end up in the Gala tonight playing Bingo, but I've not won 'owt for years... Just been checking the weather forecast. At least 14 solid days of showers and a high of about 18 degrees... at least here in the Grand Duchy.. The weather folks are going on about this being 'unusual' for August, but in my experience August is often a wet miserable month. It's being so cheerful as keeps me going...
  23. All the best people do it Ben...