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Everything posted by Qfive

  1. The reason I broached the subject of our contact on the airwaves, was because I think it’s quite ironic the way we have met up again. First on Amateur Radio, then on this forum. I read on another thread on this forum, that you also lived on Kings Lynn Tce off Turner Street. I lived there from 1964 till 1968. We were saving up hard to buy our own house. We moved to Bingham in late1968. Then moved back up to Teesside in 1975 to take up a job at ICI. The only reason I can recall our contact on the air, is because we have to keep a log by law. I got your call sign off another site, and
  2. Good to hear things are getting better on a daily basis. Oh, by the way, we have spoken to each other on the airwaves. March 10th 2001 for 36 minutes, 10 metres. Sorry, no more clues. Dah di Dah
  3. Yes, thanks for posting that 'Edwin'. I think we all need reminding of the sacrifices that were made during those troubled times in history. I often wonder, if I would have had the same courage as those brave lads. Only too thankful my courage has never been put to the test.
  4. 1 Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. 3. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 4. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't. 5. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool. 6. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong. 7. If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them, five or six at a time, on a
  5. I must confess that's one ailment that I have never heard of, or want. To be forewarned, is to be forearmed as they say. Pleased to hear that you are on the mend, and on the road to full recovery. B)
  6. Qfive


    For me.... just sitting in the dentists waiting room hurts. I'll just stick to flashing my gums at folk. Good luck.
  7. The Skelton’s shop was definitely on Alfred St South. I lived just around the corner in a two up and two down rented terrace house on Kings Lynne Terrace, just off Turner Street. The only reason I can remember it so well, is because, I used to buy an old TV, or radio, and carry it up Turner street, then up 12 stone steps which led to Kings Lynne Terrace. Even though they were not big forty inch jobs, they were still very heavy. The good thing about those tv’s in those days, you could just dive in with a soldering iron as thick as poker. Imagine using the same gear nowadays. To be honest, I
  8. This thread brings back memories of me trawling around the second hand shops, scrounging for old TV's and radios at very cheap prices. It was my hobby in those days to tinker with TV's and Radios. One particular shop I used spend a lot of time in, was 'Skeltons' on Alfred St South. That shop was crammed to the rafters with old tv's, radios, and army surplus gear. His prices were always very reasonable. To him it was junk while it remained on the shelves unsold. To me it was a treasure trove, always came through with the bit I was looking for to bring an old radio,or tv back to life.