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Everything posted by Stan

  1. "Mr Higgins invoiced the company £10 per call, stating they were wasting his time as he wasn't eligible for a PPI claim, and filed an application in a small claims court. He has now been told the court has found in his favour, and that Synergy Leads Ltd has until today to pay him £1,000 – £940 for the calls, plus £60 costs for making the court claim application. He is thought to be one of the first people in the country to have won such a case. Mr Higgins, 38, of Wendling Gardens, of Bestwood Park, said: "I think it sends a message to telesales companies that there's a way for customers
  2. I like the story of the man who recently sued a cold call company for the cost of his time (94 calls @ 10 pounds a call and 60 pounds legal costs) and won. His problem will be to locate the company to make them pay up !
  3. Can anyone explain to me why Temazepam (in chemists in simple tablet form) and Potassium Permanganate be mixed together in a `normal' retail pharmacy outlet? I think not. Acetic anhydride is used to synthesize morphine base into heroin, and potassium permanganate is used as an oxidizer in cocaine production. Both chemicals are targeted (by drug enforcement agencies) because they are the chemicals most often preferred, and most widely used, by illicit drug manufacturers.
  4. Stan


    I was on Phillip Island at Easter,Compo where they have a sustantial number of this breed. I have a photo of one looking through our open car window. Of interest the bull they had was jet black, It must be really hot for them,but I suppose they have adjusted their thermometers!
  5. What a farce ! 12(at least) firepersons, numerous police persons Three fire engines parked up outside the shop including one vehicle from the environmental protection unit and police also arrived to block off one lane of Mansfield Road while work was carried out. Developing an effective multilateral effort focused on potassium permanganate has proved difficult because of the vast illicit uses of this chemical. Potassium permanganate, an oxidizer, is the primary precursor chemical used in producing cocaine. It is used to remove the impurities from cocaine base. It has many legitimate in
  6. Stan


    Wonder if the calf was born with horns like that oooohhhh!!!!
  7. I visited the `Golden Temple' in Amritsar in February this year and the other huge Sikh temple in New Delhi also. In New Delhi the Sikhs fed 100,000 meals a day to the poor and homeless(ANY person regardless of colour or creed). I found them an amazing sect,their beliefs and practices akin to Christianity without a messiah. Tall,strong and intelligent. I met one Sikh family at the Golden Temple,who explained some of their thinking to me in a broad Scottish accent! He was from Glasgow. Since the visit my opinion of Sikhs has rocketed.(the ones who fully follow their teaching) Not so the average
  8. Wonder what the picture would look like today. Half the number in the class and I note only 1 Sikh,no West indians and almost all `white' faces!
  9. I too offer my sympathy,LizzyM.In view of your very recent loss I will not put any arguments against at present. I do wonder though with all the uproar that was raging around this time how greatly the QMC would have been on guard at this time. I will publish the facts around my uncles treatment at QMC at a later date. It is interesting to note that the government have JUST withdrawn the huge incentives paid to hospitals to put patients on the Liverpool pathway.
  10. This is a warning all we old codgers must take. Based on an article from today`s Evening Post. I watched a TV programme last week which contained footage of the type of people considered worthless and therefore to be exterminated by the state (Germany in the 30`s) If the article above is to be believed this woman had a urinary tract infection ,-surely not a reason to kill a British person ? This lady has probably had a worthwhile ,useful and productive life, ,but to be `put down' like a dog? Dr Stephen Fowlie, Medical Director at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "We have ap
  11. Nottingham fame academy behind success of BBC hit show The Village Many of the talented child actors in The Village learned their craft at the Television Workshop, which doesn't have the kudos of the big London stage schools but is enjoying a golden moment When the second episode of The Village is screened tonight on BBC1, it will be watched with particular interest by many in Nottingham and the east Midlands. Alongside the stars Maxine Peake, John Simm and Juliet Stevenson in this grand epic about a century of rural life, the cast includes five members of the area's unofficial fame acad
  12. Mrs Justice Thirlwall: the one woman Philpott couldn't defeat Thirlwall issued a judgement razor-sharp Philpott trial: Judge Mrs Justice Thirlwall's remarks in full - Mirror Online
  13. Catfan,there is an interesting thread elsewhere on this site,describing Jesse Boot`s house on the Trent overlooking the Memorial Gardens which he purchased for the city and gave him a clear view all the way to the other parcels of land he donated to the university and city. I noted a remark by Paulus (Paulus "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.”) ,which caught my eye. John Player (1839-1884) only lived a short life (probably the tobacco got him!) as did John Boot father of Jesse who had the first herbalist shop in Hockley Village (John Boot (1815–1860), born in Rad
  14. Cedars Hospital was a large house off Mansfield Road donated by Sir Charles Seely in 1897 as part of the Nottingham General Hospital. It originally provided 20 beds for convalescing patients. At the formation of the National Health Service in 1948 and the take over of the hospital by the Sheffield Regional Board, the hospital at the Cedars comprised 114 beds. The hospital at the time of this photograph was run by the Nottinghamshire Area Health Authority. Thanks for the correction poobear!
  15. Do you mean `The Cedars' catfan? It was a branch of the `General Hospital' if so before the hospice phase.
  16. Philpott fire: child killer Mick jailed for life Mick Philpott, who killed his six children in a house fire in a botched attempt at revenge after his mistress walked out, has today been sentenced to life in prison, while wife Mairead received 17 years. Philpott was seen shaking his head as the judge outlined his previous violent relationships - including the time he stabbed his former girlfriend 13 times, leaving her for dead
  17. In conclusion: Today, no formal attempts are being made to restore the Tripartite System, but the perceived failure of the Comprehensive System led the Blair/Brown government to propose "Beacon Schools", "Advanced Schools" and an "escalator" or "ladder" of schools.
  18. Secondary education in the UK has not been thoroughly overhauled since 1944, and today seems to be a complex mixture of the Tripartite System and the Comprehensive. The Thatcher government allowed selection once again in 1979, and it has been used increasingly by individual schools eager to choose the best pupils.
  19. In July 1958 the Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell formally abandoned the Tripartite system, calling for "grammar-school education for all".[9] The party's fiercest opponent of the Grammar school was Gaitskell's protégé, Anthony Crosland.
  20. Mick ,it all started when the Labour party decided to abolish the only chance the working class had to `better' themselves. Circular 10/65 was a government circular issued in 1965 by the Department of Education and Science (DES) requesting Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in England and Wales to begin converting their secondary schools to the Comprehensive System. For most of England and Wales, it marked the abolition of the old grammar schools and secondary moderns, and the Eleven Plus examination. Circular 10/65 was the initiative of recently appointed Education Secretary Anthony Crosland;
  21. When were you at Becket,Paulus. I had a friend from junior school(Pete Coffee) went there in 1951. An amazing chap. Highly gifted,good mind ,beautiful singing voice, tough as nails,good fighter. Was too tough for the monks/priests to handle so was `demoted' to Mundella across the river! Later became a leader of the race riots in Nottingham in St. Anns in 1958. Wonder what happened to him in later life.