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Everything posted by Stan

  1. As you know,Bigal, the pub and the church were always the centres of community life in England. As the Moslems cannot take alcohol, we do not need pubs, only Mosques !!!
  2. Thanks ,Mick, -Dopplegangers ,uh?
  3. Can you get a photo of Roger Moore for comparison?
  4. OK, so doppleganger is too difficult,-whety about James Bond ,then?
  5. One wonders how far she is up the food chain oh beefy one! The last episode shows them trying to sell a very nice 6(yes 6) bedroom house on a pleasant development ,the husband has his own butchers business, and their kitchen is better than mine. Oh to be rich!
  6. For your info> 419 Scam – Advance Fee / Fake Lottery Scam Phone DirectoryLotteries Headquarters: 1a, Bexon Court Carlton Center Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. = MR. MORGAN WHITE. DIRECT LINE : +27 822 289 365. ... - 169k - Cached - Similar pages
  7. ...or miming to the recordings... (as most of them do now).
  8. You may be interested to know,Den, that ALL meters(including water) have to be outside so that the meter readers can read them without bothering the householders here in Australia!!! (no.3 in list of most desirable places to live)
  9. `Greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his mates'.....
  10. I know it sounds strange, Bamber,but would you happen to know the name of his father ,-and was he born in Nottingham?
  11. Do you have any photo`s A.? (either of the school or surrounds). If so will you publish them.? I have none(post war austerity)
  12. Don`t you mean a `pop lole' Den?
  13. I was at BBH from 1945 until 1951 !
  14. Memories...K.B. Martin,my first headmaster at Blue Bell Hill School! Slim as a rake with a huge protruding Adam`s apple! Excellent chap,but keen on music and swimming. In my year of 150 pupils(3 classes of 50) only 1 passed the 11 +.
  15. Eric Coates was perhaps the most important composer of symphonic light music in the first half of the twentieth century outside the Viennese sphere. He took the music genre and made it into as bona fide and influential an art form as that created by any member of the Strauss family. He is often regarded as the Mozart of a music world whose generally light emotional expression is colored by splashy orchestration
  16. Thanks to you all! I will try to get a copy of the book and film. Incidentally was he born in Nottingham. Wonder if he was related to that other great Coates (groan !-apologies to all the military readers), Eric Coates of Mucky `Ukna. Born in Hucknall in Nottinghamshire, the son of a doctor, and studied music at the Royal Academy of Music in London from 1906, receiving viola lessons from Lionel Tertis. From 1910 he played in the Queen's Hall Orchestra under Henry Wood, becoming principal violist in 1912. By the end of the 1910s he was concentrating entirely on composition, having been force
  17. Anyone know where I can get a copy of this film please? Stephen Frears' early film was inspired by a local enquiry into poverty in the St Ann's district of Nottingham by students from the WEA in nearby Shakespeare Street. Their survey gave rise to a book, St Ann's -- Poverty, Deprivation and Morale in a Nottingham Community, by Ken Coates and Richard Silburn, which is now being republished together with its striking photographs which vividly recall the old St Ann's. St. Ann's is frequently in the headlines in this twenty-first century, but what was it like in the 1960s when thirty thousand pe
  18. ...just having a little `pun'....grrroooaaannn.
  19. I was thinking more of paronomasia (a figure of speech, or word play which consists of a deliberate confusion of similar words within a phrase or phrases ...)
  20. I think the word you are seeking is disambiguation. Word play is a literary technique in which the nature of the words used themselves become part of the subject of the work. Puns, phonetic mixups such as spoonerisms, obscure words and meanings, clever rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences, and telling character names are common examples of word play. B)
  21. The mind boggles. What is Shrek anal?
  22. Is this you,oh Beefy one? 47,XYY boys have an increased risk of learning difficulties (in up to 50%) and delayed speech and language skills.[1][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] In contrast, a national survey of US children conducted in 2004 for the CDC found that 10% of 46,XY boys had a learning disability.[12] As with 47,XXY boys and 47,XXX girls, IQ scores of 47,XYY boys average 10–15 points below their siblings.[5][7][8][10] It is important to realize that this amount of variation — an average difference of 12 IQ points — occurs naturally between children in the same family.[5] In 14 prenatally dia