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Everything posted by Compo

  1. Fly papers. Frozen Jubblies 5 Park Drive 5 Woodbines Red tipped matches 120 roll film Schoolboys wearing caps Schoolgirls wearing straw boaters Short trousers Open back buses (no doors) fizzy drinks cans that require a pointy opener Sunecta pop home delivery van Beer at home means Davenports.
  2. Thassa posh copper Cliff! Electric heater - many had a fire hole underneath.
  3. In the 60s my sister was a tiny tot and her favourite bedtime story was "Rita and the Wringer" Synopsis: Rita is a child fascinated by the moving rollers of the new electric mangle. She puts her fingers into the rollers to see what it feels like and of course gets her arm mangled. Gruesome story but for some reason it was always her story of choice at bedtime!
  4. I have a dolly tub in the garage but no ponch. I also have two 1970s juke boxes, one with a picture of Rory Gallagher and the Sweet on the glass. I also have an old peat cutting tool called a tushkar.
  5. There are some things you don't see any more in this photo album - comments welcome: http://s736.photobuc...0century%20tat/ Double click image for bigger picture.
  6. Piggy & Babs: I used to live on Gregory Street back in the 1970s, so The White Hart was one of my local pubs. There was a Jazz club on Thursday evenings and towards the end of the decade, a folk club too.
  7. Is the answer to the "Where is this" picture Jacksdale. I believe that fossils of giant dragonflies were once found in a mine in the Jacksdale area and exhibited at the Natural History Museum.
  8. I also used to fish the Trent at Gunthorpe. One night my brother and me walked down from my RAF married quarter at Newton and did a spot of night fishing. Arrived by the river just before midnight and fished for a couple of hours before trudging back fishless.
  9. An interesting piece of gen Tony. It would make sense that Mabel Player could be related to W.G. Player of Ciggy fame.
  10. I always snip irrelevant bits of quoted posts and leave in the bit to which I am responding. This, IMO, makes clear which post I am replying to and avoids mix-ups. On two occasions I have multi-quoted by accident and now that I have been made aware of a method of correcting my mistakes any future posts should comply with forum etiquette. However, I will accede to the Admin request to discontinue quoting. No hard feelings and apologies if I have upset anyone :o)
  11. Normal Edit only allows me to remove the actual quote but not the quote tabs, hence my double quote with text in only one. I haven't tried "Full Editor" but will do so the next time I make a bog of things - promise :o)
  12. Don't sit in Arthur's seat - he might get cross :o)
  13. That's Tru Stu! :~ °Hic
  14. Right! I shall be watching this space with effect from 1st January and I expect to see news of a finished quilt before the year is out :o)
  15. I tried the "Edit" but it wouldn't allow me to take out the double quote, only to remove the text.
  16. Pixie, No worries - I'll sign you up and if you don't like it just delete yourself from the members list. Karen is the group admin and she cross stitches - she will introduce you to her cross stitch gang if you ask. It is a friendly group but not always a busy one. you should get notification that you have been joined in a few minutes - just off to do it now. Had to go into edit mode - I just realized, you are not on my Facebook friends list so I can't add you to the group. You can either search for "Chatabout" (name of group) or send me a friends request. I go by the name of Paul Simmo
  17. There is a keen Cross-stitcher in a Facebook group to which I belong; I'll wager she can give you some tips on doing it cheaply. Would you like me to add you to the group? BUGG*R! I've double quoted again - SORRY Mick2Me :o((((((((((((((
  18. I have been know to spend it camping. It is traditional here in Caithness to climb the mountain called Morven (biggest in our little county) on New Year's Day and no matter what the weather there is always someone climbing it. I currently have no plans for this New Year's Eve.
  19. When you can get out visit your local archives. You can usually search for free but if you want them to do it for you there is a small charge. The archivist will be happy to help you. You may also be able to search the archive online, depending upon whether or not they have modernised yet. It's better to be there in person because the archivist can lend you his/her experience.
  20. I once Morris Danced at Belvoir Castle - awaits ridicule.........
  21. I enjoy reading Nottstalgia forum posts - keep up the good work gang :o)
  22. As a 10yr old (Early 1961) I was playing on the new Arnold Fire Station building site at the back of Allen and Solley's where John Lewis factory now stands when my mate got stuck thigh deep in the mud and couldn't get out. I put a plank over the bog and slid up to him to pull him out but his weight combined with the mud on the plank caused me to fall in with him - now we were both stuck. the Third member of our crew went to a nearby house and managed to get the fire brigade to come and dig us out. Received a sound thrashing from my dad but the story made front page in the Evening Post the n
  23. I bought SWMBO a set of wood carving chisels about ten years ago because she wanted to do some small carvings. She now has a pile of seasoned cherry wood from our garden but still the chisels are in their box. I have a large outbuilding that I use as a workshop. I tackle all sorts of stuff in there but not arty-farty type things. I have an engineering background so I tend to stick to making do and mending rather than spending on new stuff.