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Everything posted by alisoncc

  1. Posted this before somewhere, but for any kids from the Medders, this was "our" place. The Reccie. Do remember a round-about and swings being there originally. Probably before elf and sefty banned them as too dangerous.
  2. I still try to maintain the traditions of my family from way back. Typically when we had the grandparents, a few uncles and aunts and as many kids as we could muster, we would have two large roast chickens for a Sunday dinner. And the tradition was to sit around the table chewing on the bones, and nattering. Half would up and leave the table before this stage, but those who stayed never seemed to have dental problems. The bone chewers that is. Even now, living alone, I will remove any excess meat from a chicken to the fridge, and then chew on the bone ends. At seventy I still have all
  3. Absolutely. And didn't half taste nice. The snags were very chewy due the density of the meat. (Snags is Ozzie for sausages) When I was littlie dinner was what you ate at the middle of the day, and tea in the evening. Not sure what it is over there now. But nowadays I tend to think of dinner being when I eat in the evening and at the middle of day, lunch.
  4. Thought I would share with you all my intentions for dinner/tea - evening meal. Yes it's kangaroo sausages, or more commonly known here as Kanga Bangas. With fried onions in a wholemeal bread roll and lashings of hot English mustard. That should make the kangaroo sit up.
  5. Some super nice aeroplanes on the line at RAF Finningley, quite a while back. Sorry about the quality, stored in garage for years.
  6. Thanks for that. Seems to work better than instructions above.
  7. Now those words conjure up some memories - Radfan and Barren Rocks. Though more of a desert person myself. Did lots of casevac's with the RAF in that neck of the woods.
  8. So how come it does't work for me? ex4J6X8kIts [youtube*]ex4J6X8kIts[/youtube*]
  9. You're welcome. Only got to be Welbeck some years after I had departed. T'was Queens Walk when I was there. Sorry for the condition of the picture. They were stored in the garage - bit damp. 'appens.
  10. Queens Walk School - First went there in 1949 - seems an awfully long time ago. Infants went in on the Brierley St entrance, and juniors on the Kinglake Street side. There was a Boots factory across the road from the Kinglake Street entrance. Just noticed the chimneys on top. Imagine trying to keep a school warm with coal fires. Elf and sefty would have a fit if they had open fires in schools these days. Kids weren't that stupid back then to get burnt, and if they did they wouldn't do it again.
  11. Just been watching a re-run of "Monarch of the Glen", and Duncan was attempting to sweep a chimney and it reminded me of when my Dad used to sweep chimneys around the Medders in his spare time when not working on the railways. My Mum had taken an old sheet which was passed it's use-by-date, had cut a hole in the middle and then sewed a sleeve off one of my Dad's old shirts into the hole. The idea was that the brush rods went through the sleeve, enabling my Dad to seal off the whole of a fireplace with the sheet, yet still keep adding rods as the brush went further up the chimney. The rods ha
  12. Yesterday I was at my local Tesco store buying a large bag of Chum dog food for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.. What did she think I had, an elephant? So, since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Chum Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in hospital last time, but I'd lost 2 stone before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and th
  13. Have to have a word with the Admins as to whether those from Trent Bridge should be allowed to post comments where decent people post. We have to maintain standards.
  14. Most probably need to clear the browser cache. Cache is where the browser stores data to save having to go and get it again. This really screws up when the data has changed. Some browsers assume that whilst the content may change, the IP address of a website is static, so "why do I need to go and get it again". Clearing cache is known in the trade as "Giving it a quick kick up the backside".
  15. I trust you are not referring to the penal colony on Collygate Road. Did my time, yur 'onor, between 1955 and 1960, and I am a good person now.
  16. That's tough and it's not even Winter yet.
  17. If running Windows 7 there is a snipping tool in Accessories. If you run it you get the ability to select an area on screen that you can then save to a picture file - like a jpg. like this - rotated to save space.
  18. Not protected here. It's in "Owt about n'owt".
  19. Thought for a while that what we need is a place where a person can rabbit on about absolutely anything that comes to mind, without having to hunt for a relevant topic. Want to mention the current weather, sunrise, sunset or no sun at all. What the neighbour said, what your doctor said or what the judge said. What the birds, cats or wolves are doing in your back garden. Anything that has been a particular PITA - that's pain in the a*rse or has made you smile today. Want to get something off your chest or share with others. Well this is where you can do it. No replies necessary. So why am I
  20. If you are running a windows variant bring up the DOS prompt. As in C:\Users\whatever> and type ping You should get something like the following: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=284ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=259ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=283ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=259ms TTL=47 The is the IP address of the server. You could also try ping'ing one of my websites on a server in my lounge room ping
  21. Possibly the redirect to the forums may point back at the old site, dependant upon how Mick has coded it.
  22. is the correct address from the Domain Name System server. Ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=284ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=259ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=283ms TTL=47 Reply from bytes=32 time=259ms TTL=47 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 259ms, Maximum = 284ms, Average = 271ms Which is the same as ping'ing
  23. Mick a trace route: Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 30 ms 29 ms 29 ms [] 3 30 ms 30 ms 33 ms [] 4 42 ms 42 ms 41 ms [] 5 197 ms 196 ms 196 ms [] 6 227 ms 227 ms 227 ms [] 7 197 ms 196 ms 197 ms 8 227 ms 226 ms 197
  24. Mick, you will find that all the data - member information, postings, etc. are held in the MySQL database. None of it is maintained in the actual code that would constitute the backup. Once you have the Forum code and customisations transferred across and operating satisfactorily, a MySQL Dump and then Restore should enable you to bring the Forum back online with minimal downtime.