The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. The more I have thought of it, Jill's pictures at #68 are very likely of The Grange. If you approach it from what is now Coach Drive and the lane up to the Grange as shown on CliifTons 1880 map there would definitely be a slight gradient all the way up to it. It would explain why the photographer appears to be on lower ground than the subject. It was a very big rambling house and only a portion of it is visible in those pictures.
  2. Cricket pitch is still there! The road right at the bottom with '76' on it is approx. Greenhills Road now. The lane running horizontally above Beauvale Brook is roughly where Coach Drive is now. The lane branching upwards up to Newthorpe Grange has vanished without trace. The estate (that I live on) was built 1959 and extends, I would say, to about where the G is in 'Cricket Ground'. The building at extreme top left is Cocker House (on Cockerhouse Lane). Long since demolished.
  3. Regarding the above picture at #97, a guy by the name of Jack Andrews lived in it then and would have been when this picture was taken. He would have been renting it. He lived in the front piece in the centre of the picture. The rest of it was derelict when that picture was taken.
  4. Grange Cottage. This is how I remember it in the 60's and perhaps early 70's when just the front part was still lived in. Pictured in 1966
  5. Just been out with my camera. Grange Cottage as it is today. Nothing like it originally was. It was a 2 storey house Here I am standing outside the entrance to Grange Cottage. The large tree in the centre of the picture was smack in front of The Grange. The tree was probably there when The Grange was. Note that all of the ground slopes away. View from further up the lane. The Grange would have been in the centre of the picture just to the left of that tree. (Same tree as previous picture).
  6. Just had another look at them. Your pictures seem to suggest that it was on a hump in the ground. The photographer is clearly standing on ground lower than the house. The Grange was on distinctly flat land if not in a slight hollow.
  7. #89. That is a far better reference of where I remember it being.
  8. That sounds about right. I knew there was some issue about the rebuild being stopped.
  9. Mansfield Road (or correctly Nethergreen) would be reached off down the lane to the right of that picture. The estate I live on built beyond the picture in the distance. It is nearer to the lane than I remember it but hey it was a long time ago. The photographer would have been standing, I think, where the lake above Grange Cottage is now. Grange Cottage being to the photographers right elbow. The lake on my Google map above is incidentally man made.
  10. You must be right about Fryer. Robey Drive was named after a local doctor - Dr. Robey. Whether he was a member of the same family or not I have no idea. I have never known why Thorpe Road is that, although I have lived there 58 years!
  11.,-1.303795,18z It was demolished to build what is now Thorntree Gardens. The L shaped building with a garage making it look almost like U shaped building above Thorntree Gardens, left of the lake is/was Grange Cottage
  12. I remember Grange Cottage being derelict as well, although the front was was lived in until later on until finally it was all abandoned. That has been made into a nice dwelling now. They owners have incorrectly named it 'The Grange'.
  13. The remains of the aeroplane still exist. They are *supposed* to be going to rebuild it but due to money shortages it hasn't got very far. RR still own another Spitfire that is now with the BBMF. That is the PRU blue PRXIX.
  14. Great pictures. The house in #68 that you say may be The Grange, Eastwood, certainly has the appearance that I remember it albeit derelict when I knew it. (It was an excellent playground) #69 Ivy Cottage, Church Street, Eastwood is *reputably* the oldest house in Eastwood.
  15. #8 I prefer the one on the right. Yes they do drive differently. Mainly due to their history I think as the two are the same model (100) and made only a year apart. 900 HVO was my Fathers car and has had many owners (inc John Herbert, Jeweler of Trinity Square fame), and until my Father owned it had always been maintained by a garage. 5656DD has had only 2 previous owners and with the previous owner and myself has been owner maintained. I have had it 32 years and the previous owner 17 years so there is a big lump of its history taken care of!
  16. I have got two Rover P4's. Looking for someone to clean and polish them! :-)
  17. No it didn't. You are confusing that with New Lane, which did eventually lead to Watnall Brickyard. New Lane starts at the side of the Horse and Groom, Moorgreen
  18. The entrance in my Streetview Link at#45 is the one directly above and on the opposite side of the road to 'Rueben Shaw' garden centre on your second map at #52
  19. I think the picture you posted is a couple of run down farmhouses opposite Willey Wood (Redgates) Farm. It is on Willey Lane tho'.
  20. Just put my laptop on and I am getting one dirty great update.Took arf an our a'reddy! Guess I am getting this update whether I want it or not!
  21. Hmmm! Women drivers That would be the Horse and Groom. Is this the entrance to it? 58 years I have lived in Eastwood and I have never known where this Manse is.,+Willey+Ln,+Newthorpe,+Nottingham+NG16+3QW/@53.0269407,-1.2794818,3a,75y,20.14h,87.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss-WGxLioGA4XJkxZl28Cfg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4879eb529dcf090f:0xf46a4207d911dbe0!8m2!3d53.0371538!4d-1.292696
  22. This has recently appeared on Facebook. I think it should be here as well. I have not seen it on here before although I think it is a well known picture. Not just the end of trolleybuses but Victoria Station as well.