The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. Googled it in various permutations and getting nowhere.
  2. That looked rather derelict last time I went past. Riding on buses has its advantages - you get time to notice things instead of having to look where you are going!
  3. P6 had ally boot and bonnet as you say. The front and rear wings on them were dirty great mud traps. Half a dozen bolts and they were off tho'.
  4. There is a pub opposite side of the road to Running Horse and a bit further down that seems to have all its windows bricked up. Would that be the Rose & Crown?
  5. Doors, boot and bonnet were ally up until mid 1962. Correction, they were actually Birmabright.
  6. I have seen that picture before. Mad Rover owner drives down wrong side of road!
  7. Pub is Running Horse and yes it is still there. Never seems to be able to make its mind up whether to open or not.
  8. Diesel engines and the injector pump need the oily nature of the diesel fuel for lubrication. Gas doesn't have the oily content so there is an increase in wear. Biogas engines probably don't have an injector pump as the engine will be fed by gas pressure alone. Biogas engines might even be derived from petrol engines rather than diesel. I shall have to find out now I have suggested it.
  9. Trents Volvos were normal B10B's with Alexander bodies
  10. If you think Olympians were nippy God knows what other NCT buses were like! On Trent we used to call 'em Limpalongs! I used to like driving them tho'
  11. I remember the Skilly's buses and I have spent enough time (and money) in Skills shop!
  12. So that's why Home Brewery beer always tasted like soap suds! It did to me anyway.
  13. Might it be another name like Isandula (Road)? Corrupted to suit.
  14. Parents did live on Goldswong Terrace shortly before my arrival on the planet
  15. Me Mother used to push me in me push chair up the hill to number 264 after she had done her shopping on Mansfield Road. Can't remember without looking at a map whether 264 Woodborough was above St Augustines or just below. - Just below I think.
  16. Not particularly transport related. Some views of Drury Hill
  17. I think some of these are sections of the same DVD that you are expected to buy. well worth watching tho'