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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Hey Guys Whats the weather like today/tonight in your neck of the woods? It's marginally cooler here today thank god & a little cloudy at times. We aren't able to water plants,lawns,wash the car/boat/caravan or fill up a swimming pool as we are so short of water in Victoria. I can't even have a spa,the water runs all murky after 10 mins. My windows are filthy,the paddock is all but dead & the trees are dying,hpe it rains soon,I feel like a shrivelled prune. Now watch it Den as we have met at close proximity you know I look like a shrivelled prune but please don't tell the others
  2. Any particular reason John,it is just an upgrade?
  3. It's really weird reading the word BOB for #2's. I always discouraged my kids from saying that as I thought it was childish!! My mum used to say dickie birds & gee gees too,bloody hell we wuz brung up bad wont we duck? LOl And another was Paw Paw for a sore or cut ha haLOL.
  4. Caz


    Same again I remember all of those. I also remember feeling very grown up chuffing on a licorice pipe..............yuk it would make me sick now. My dad used to bring home Frys chocolate cream fruit & Peppermint & i always got the bloody peppermint,until we decided it was a good idea to break it into segments & share mmmmmm
  5. Caz


    I remember all of those Katy. We have a shop here in Vic where we can get some overseas goodies & last year I bought a Caramac bar oooooooooooo it was delish
  6. Mines on one phone line John & I have a 4 outlet wireless/modem/router. Working good tonight though the wireless connection is a lot slower.
  7. Well it took a few phone calls, a very good technician who explained how to do the above & a large pair od B***S mine not theirs and...............this morning I plugged the Ethernet cable into my new efficient router/modem/wireless thingymebob & I have both PC's working simultaneously yoo hoo I am a very happy girl B) plus after a slow connection speed yesterday today my broadband is zooming along. Thanks guys for all your help !hand! PS Forgot to add I have a dial up going at the same time,all my bells & whistles are working today. Ok back t
  8. Fancy remembering that one Dodie,don't think i've heard that for at least 35 yrs !bravo!
  9. And what about oo you little bogger.
  10. Caz

    wash day

    I remember all of the above very well. We lived just off Arkwright St & mum used to take the washing there in the winter I think? We as kids were always fascinated by the place as it was off limits as you say. I remember once having to go in there to pick something up & it was very exciting....................well we didn't get out much did we???
  11. Not sure if that's called rum sticka bum Katy!!?? LOL ha ha
  12. When asked what was for dinner mum would reply s**t with sugar on!! And something which was said which i think is a classic was "bloody hell the things you see when you don't have a gun!!"
  13. I definately sent you a PM Mysterious,& my sister Smithylass isn't getting mine either so it's not just you love it's most of us !! Lol
  14. Does anyone remember Kernackers? jeez they were bloody dangerous,hard plastic balls on string,which you had to clack together over your arms so that they clacked together,which they did, but of course when they fell they landed on your arms,wrist,knuckles etc. I used to be black & blue. My mum took them off us & hid them in the top cupboard,which was supposedly out of bounds !tony! not when you stood on the armchair it wasn't .............LOL
  15. K I'll PM you now Mysterious
  16. I know where you are coming from Sis, but in the eyes of the law it's not stealing & that dates back to god knows how long ago. In fact I could be mistaken but I think if someone had wanted to get on the ship & take posession including all the chattels that was also legal. Anyway the folks who entrusted all their worldly goods to the shipping line must have been insured so they will get back the money they have lost anyway & if they weren't insured stiff biccies
  17. Thanks Lads. I have a laptop,a PC and a few modem based machines on location where i need to run Int. Will tell you how I get on. B)
  18. Hi Sis Have you recieved my PM's??
  19. Please can someone tell me whether it's possible to have a broadband connection & a dial up connection running simultaneously from the same phone line but with different servers? keep it simple boys B)
  20. I've got a ride on Ayup,but i'm such a perfectionist that I mow it until it looks like a golf course!! Stupid I know but I love to sit on the verandah afterwards & admire it,. Yeah I know I need to get out more tee hee!
  21. Caz


    Correct me if i'm wrong but only those sort of cowboys wore Wranglers didn't they Den LOl!!
  22. Caz


    God I forgot all about the old Provident cheque,I even remember the woman who used to collect the dosh from us,Dorothy her name was,tall lady with plaits & red lips
  23. Welcome back to the nutter house Katy