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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Look forward to it Red,hope you don't make us all look too old & past it
  2. Lol! Ok a proper balloon,those air filled things we used to fill with water & throw at the neighbours washing,it's as clear as mud now Are you coming on the meet up Red??
  3. Do you mean Subbuteo Red??
  4. The den sounds interesting Mick,what do you do in there love? Hot you say,we have had a hot one today 36 deg & it's only spring I reckon we are going to be in for a shocking year weather wise,a lot of Australia is officially in a drought already . We have been on the road today & most of the dams,reserves ,rivers etc are run dry,very worrying. On the news we heard every 4 days an Aussie farmer kills himself because he doesn't know how he is going to survive the year it's tragic. I think this should be in the Ex-pats section ,but never mind !tony!
  5. Why would you think that Den?? LOl Weren't they going on a cruise?
  6. I was just going to ask that Mick?
  7. I remember the gardening programme he did from Birmingham, I used to watch it regularly. What was the name of his partner on that programme was it Bob Price or something similar to that?
  8. Did anyone see "The Orange Lights" on channel 4 last night? As you may know our son is the singer in the band . It was part of the "Ibiza Rocks" series filmed a few weeks ago in Spain. Have tried googling it but can't find a download as yet.
  9. A story I heard circulating when he passed away was because he was gay no one wanted to touch him at the morgue,homophobic you think?
  10. My aunt was licensee of the Miltons Head for a short time,can't remember which year but it would have been middle/late 60's ? she also ran The Poets Corner & an offy on Kirkewight st ,my mum used to have a photo, I'll see if I can fish it out when I'm on holiday
  11. Well well well. Small world indeed. Hope you have a nice time with Chris & George say hi to them,hope the weather stays nice & warm for their visit.
  12. Don't despair Den,I will be there,my lovely better half will be there too, Mick & maybe his other half,Chrissie & Alan, & Frank said he would try too. Can't make it on the 27th though the rellies have just informed me we will be in York. Don't lose any sleep Duck,we will definately kick up our heels some when.
  13. Hey Frank! Christine Jones is my de facto sister in law!!!! She has just left Australia to visit all her rellies for a month. I have previously posted & asked if anyone knew her, how wonderful! I met her brother Dennis & his wife for the 1st time last year & have met a few of her other rellies Val being one of them. As far as I know the rest are all well & still living in Nottm & surrounding areas. What's your wife's name Frank, I will let Chris know when she returns,she will be rapt. Guess what we are sort of related ...........LOL Caz
  14. Sounds like you had a fun filled & busy week in the UK Cali. Look forward to seeing all the pics you took,you show me yours & Ill show you mine me duck
  15. G'day Elaine Welcome back How was your visit? bet the heat got to you, it's a bit stifling, when it's hot in the UK hey? Pity you couldn't have stayed longer. So what did you reckon to the male Nottstalgians,were they as nice as they seem to be? Nice pics of you all too.
  16. Don't think i'm going to be able to dig myself out of this too easily,but I know you know what I meant Den I work in pubs most days of the week, well a lot of days anyway, & what I was trying to say is, the observations by Frank, of the pub in Perth, are pretty much the same all over Australia. Male orientated still, drinking holes, not nice places to take your wife to. And in a lot of the seedier joints ,we have topless barmaids,pole dancers, Bundy girls with very little on & all sorts of things a man your age needn't worry about Keep taking the pills Bip,if they don't work, PM me
  17. Sounds like the pubs I work in Frank,& that's not even for money meduck
  18. Doorknocker pulling & fire crackers down the grates??? would you like to explain DG!!??
  19. Oh no how did you manage that,did you fall on the floor to save it & fell on your finger, isn't it always the way? Hope it isn't the finger you use to pick your nose Rob?
  20. Caz

    Weird food

    We call chips CHIPS too Den,another similarity with the US. What's the beer you ordered? sounds like you ordered a lot,& you think I'm heavy on the grog? I like Blue Stilton too,but only in small amounts,it can be a little too mature sometimes ,makes me eyes water when it's like that. Good thing is whilst you are eating that Den, they won't be able to smell your feet !sickly! !rotfl!
  21. Well now we've got that out of the way. I have to apologise, I spelt pommie wrong in my first post dugh!! well i ad just ad some Boddys mite & it ad gone to me ed Bip you don't like our words of affection? better get used to it love,it's all we know over here,in case you visit you had better get an Aussie slang book so you can converse with the Sheilas
  22. Caz

    Weird food

    I only touched the mouse Nobody told me that could happen Marquis of Queensbury is that the rules of boxing Den? we don't have any rules ,well we do but not like the old days . I had to punch 650 times last night,i feel as if ive done a few rounds with Joe Bugner !situp!