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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Kinoath mite. Youse bloody pommie puffters. Us Ozzies talk the queens lingo , in fact we have a public holiday for her birthday & youse guys don't even have that,we even invited Sir Les Patterson. To celebrate old Lizzie,we drink lots of grog,eat heaps of snags,& belch a lot cuz we are cultured...................... bloody oath mite. And the guys arent any better either,they get pretty crook too. !rotfl! We Aussie Sheilas are a force to be reckoned with so watch it. I can drink you under the table when it comes to the amber nectar,you old drongo bighug . Bet youse are flat out
  2. I know this bares no relation to anything Nostalgic,but ill tell you anyway. I just came back from my boxing class & feeling hungry I had salada biscuits with avacado & chilli sauce on the top ,how weird is that or is it normal & i've been missing out
  3. Yeah I hope so too. I used to be able to see how she was going on Jean Langs site,but as that is now no longer online it might be a problem .I think I might have an email address for her i'll give it a go & let you know
  4. Hapy Birthday in sunny Ontario. Hope you have a great day. Long time no hear Anne......are you still popping in from time to time?
  5. Any relation to Red Skelton??
  6. I was thinking George Formby !rotfl! thank god it will be too cold when I come over for you to wear anything like that,hope you remembered to pack your strides today Den
  7. Aussie is nice but girl is even better I'm making this as puerile as I can just to please Rob 237
  8. Didn't realise you could wash catheter bags
  9. I know someone who can do that ................truly
  10. I'm just a sucker for a wimp that's all Bip
  11. You're fawning is aggravating me already wimp,shut up & I don't love you
  12. Hello Darcy I think you have made the right decision. Even though it's summer,you obviously didn't look at Nottm through rose tinted specs. I love Nottm can't wait to visit,it's where I was born & where my family live,but it's oh so nice to come home . Good luck in whatever you do . What do your family think of your decision darcy,are they very upset??
  13. Yeah you look much better than you did previously,keep taking them
  14. Lol they are really funny guys,where did you source them?
  15. I'll keep that in mind for my visit then Mick.
  16. Dog's can sometimes be very sensitive Den
  17. Hey sis I remember the state you used to come home in after your pub crawls,shall I tell them about the Jaffa cakes or the mushy peas?come on what's it worth??
  18. Clever clogs!! ok your turn next missy
  19. J. Robert Oppenheimer?....'Father of the atomic bomb'....... Cheers Robt P. Thats funny Rob
  20. Watching & waiting Bip,watching & waiting
  21. Well he might light up your sky Bip, but he does nothing for me lovey. !tony!