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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Must be something in the Blood Elaine?
  2. Making love to the same woman for 40 hours Den? you couldn't be so lucky.
  3. I can't start as I don't live there,but i'm sure you guys have plenty of answers
  4. You are only saying that Baz,don't be modest me duck !secret!
  5. Shame would he have a story to tell!
  6. Spot on Cali all welcome. Look forward to sharing with you some Nottstalgia. I'm in Australia but don't hold that against me!! Caz
  7. Self praise is no praise Robin !laughing!
  8. Yeah I know who you mean can't remember her name either, she's blonde I think & often plays a druggie/hooker type part is that who you are thinking of Red?
  9. Yep same here Red I have just PM'd you. It's all very strange on here at the moment,we have allowed certain objectionable persons to try & take over this forum. They aren't doing anything at the moment that would give me a reason to delete their posts but we are watching & waiting..........
  10. I recieved a PM from him too Cali..........What did we do?? !rotfl!
  11. He has 5 brothers Elaine
  12. Honest to god hand on my heart I thought it might be him,I know you won't believe me but it's true
  13. Mmmmm as I thought Cali an infiltrator who has been here before
  14. Yeah this Singer is without machine though Den,good job I say or I might be expected to sew & I don't "do" sewing,come to think I don't like to "do" much when it comes to house wifey things,anyway my man sews my hems up for me so why should I Thats what I say Bip.... !laughing!
  15. God won't help you Cali,i've tried before trust me!! We must be much more interesting & vibrant then he let's on,he just can't stay away can he?? come on FCD admit it,you are lost without us in your life, we often have to eat a large serving of humble pie in this life so get some cream & dig in FCD
  16. Trouble is FCD theres always someone ready to jump in your grave, you left it wide open mate !tony!
  17. Over to you Ilko me duck,I have to pack for my trip on Friday,so mek it a guddun yowth B)
  18. Is it for catching crumbs from his sarnies?