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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Caz


    Sorry you have decided to leave Rob,come back in a couple of months & hopefully you might change your mind,thanks for the input on the site anyway I enjoyed reading your posts. Caz.
  2. I pinched this Trilby off a Polish man I know..................& in case you were wndering it's not ill.rape.ya.mind he only had a beanie
  3. Seems like forever that Australia & America have had reverse cycle air conditioning/heating & I am alway amazed how the UK copes in their stifling hot days,I know you don't have that many swelterers,but they work very well in the winter too & are economical to boot.Can't tell you how many times I have tried to open my mum's windows when I stay there & they are nailed shut!! & on a hot day it's shocking. Two hundred quid sounds cheap Mick, you should buy a heap of them & sell them when the rest Nottm catches up with the technology.
  4. I'm sad to have just read that, I loved him & his shorts. RIP Freddie
  5. Gordon Bennett Mick I have searched & searched & still nothing,I give in. I'm off in to town for a coffee!!
  6. Sir Rober Waterton's name came to me with a bit of research am I getting warmer?
  7. Well the word is you are a bloke BIP,good job because I tell you one thing Dennis you make a B****y ugly female !rotfl!
  8. Made me smile too Rob. In this day & age being a Lesbian or pregnant or both should not be a reason to be dismissed. I'm always amazed how mean some employers can be,shame she didn't get more that's what I say...............oh no FCD just dropped in,Ill just go & wash my mouth out with soap & water no2
  9. Looks like Sal is on to it. I tried Googling it too,not easy.
  10. This FCD is obviously an infiltrator,he is much too polite,or Mick has had a quiet word with the real FCD who is hiding under a pseudonym & he still wants us to believe it's him....................nah no way it's a set up
  11. Sorry it's a horse Cali!! I will keep looking...............
  12. About what time would the Magna Carta have been demolished,does anyone know? I remember as a girl in The Meadows going to the area where the pub was to call for a school friend & I remember quite clearly that pub on the corner,please tell me it was on a corner orI may think I'm losing my faculties among other things !!!
  13. Hi Cali congrats on the Moderator status,now we will have some equality on this male dominated site,let's be gentle with them to start off though, you know how difficult it is for men to change their ways And a note for Den,you mean you still use condoms,havent you heard of the female condom,now we women really are in control of our destiny!!
  14. ill.rape.ya.mind was online yesterday Rob
  15. He's done it to mine too Cali,but when I tried to do it to his I couldn't edit it..........drat!!!
  16. Hey isn't it quiet now FCD has gone???
  17. OK now for some peace & quiet. So off you go then FCD , to join the others who have tried to disrupt this site, Robindabok,Hugh & now your good self,come to think of it, Hugh could be masquarading under the guise of FCD ? mmmm velly intellesting.......................
  18. Shame Bazza,didn't they have a sense of humour? Surprised you turned up at all me duck.
  19. Yeah i've been listening too Cali. They have a section where you can listen to the last 24 hours of music from the station but havent heard his band yet.
  20. I think that was a bit too easy for you inteligent lot. Even though Rob guessed it first Ilko, you will have to argue amongst yourselves as to who is going to set the next one. Caz