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Everything posted by Caz

  1. Oh sounds great Flatcap,hope you do the Lotto,it could mean an escape for you if you win
  2. Is Ceefax still around? I have never used it here in Oz. We aren't all pervs/weirdo's & loonies who use the net Flat Cap,there are plenty of the above who don't even know how to use a PC,mind you I have to agree with you to a degree,it has opened up a whole range of stuff that can be accessed for people who feel the need to ,eg Gary Glitter
  3. Ha Ha that's funny,are you really as P****d off as you sound Flat cap? where in Notts do you live?
  4. Well now that's a thought Rob,don't think it would matter if Nottinghamese was around in the 1600's,they all spoke with a strange language of their own,didn't they? isn't it strange how the English language has evolved,into what it is today...........not sure whether thats a good thing or not,when you listen to some of the garbage that spills out of some folk's mouths.
  5. God i'm surprised it was literally a guess............I'll be back Rob!!
  6. Oh Cali you brought tears to my eyes. I too remember lazy summer days spent at The Embankment,watching the Trevithick boats go up & down & feeding the Swans. I'm sure there is still a smidgeon of that going on in the summer,but as I haven't visited in summer for a while I really dont know. To be honest Flat cap is undoubtedly telling it like it is, my poor old mum has had to put up with noisy neighbours,cars in the garden, hedges up to the gutters for years,doesnt seem fair,but I think it's pretty much the same everywhere,especially on the council estates,I used to live on one so I kno
  7. Off the top of my head,could it be the Headquarters of the new Tram operation?
  8. Aaaw poor doggy hope you remembered to give him a card Den,how old is he? did you give him a pressie?
  9. Does anyone know what dictates the color of the shell on an egg?
  10. Ask him he'll tell ya little Wal !secret!
  11. Free newspapers are great for lining the bottom of the garbage bin,the cat litter tray & cleaning the windows with a bit of meths don't you think?? Seriously ,we have a few free newspapers & mostly they are full of adverts for services eg; florists /Real Estate Agents & such like & also for the local shires to show what they are up to. Good job they are free, we wouldn't want to fork out good money for them
  12. I know Wally ,he definately does not live with his dad,but he visits him a lot hey Wal??
  13. Evening Wal I agree this site is fast turning in to a dating/pick up forum,not what Mick wants i'm sure? so I will rack my brains & see if I can think of something interesting to post,you will have to give me a while is Sunday after all
  14. Hello Mick2me how are you?? Yes Martin Lacey that's him,he did speak with an accent Rob,is he still around the area??
  15. I don't remember the place but I do remember the Lacey guy,he was on TV a bit wasn't he?
  16. Didn't it get a bit draughty in the winter
  17. An open relationship leaves a lot to the imagination Den !faint! but it takes all sorts,as long as you were nice to each other & happy whats it got to do with us anyway?
  18. Hi Baz It was much the same here,hot & then cold in a week!! So we now have heater going,winter doona on,& plenty of night caps to keep us warm,oooo can't wait for spring,these cold mornings give me the pip B)
  19. Gorgeous photo Elaine Can't you leave the hubby at home & give BIP a chance?? he will buckle at the knees when he has had a few of his special beers!! you may have to help him home,now won't that be fun !rotfl!
  20. I'm told a good sprinkling of Dettol works wonders Den,& if it doesn't, well nothing an antibiotic won't put right in time When did you visit the land of milk & honey anyway,I thought you were married for 40 years?
  21. Well there is that,but we know when we have a good thing,only flu we have is Asian................