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Everything posted by bamber

  1. 1: No problem hearing this old luvvie 2: Would a punk feel lucky here? 3: They knead to grow things here 4: Featherbed 5: One pound buys this place 6: Prickly comedienne 7: When Victoria's on top 8: Shoot Jeremy 9: Used to be known as Reginald 10 SI unit
  2. LSE used to sell those amazing Russian transistor radios with more wavebands than you could shake a stick at. They must have issued them to their spies for receiving messages from the Kremlin. I'm pretty sure LSE moved to Palin Street in the early 1980s.
  3. Clinton Street (East and West). Do you remember Leyland Paints and on the corner London Scientific Exchange?.
  4. 3 = Cromwell 6 = Wellow ?????? 10 = Nuncargate
  5. The photo was taken from very near the corner of Clinton St (East) where the D&P still stands.
  6. Burnt incline = Cinderhill
  7. Yes. It's a location I still call "The Bridge".
  8. Subsequently became a Fine Fare when that company bought Burton's.
  9. We all remember, and miss, Burton's under the Council House but does anyone recall the location of their supermarket?
  10. I came across this website earlier today. Itdevoted entirely to urban exploration: abandoned buildings, tunnels, former military bases, old railway lines... Just put "Nottingham" into the search box and enjoy. B)
  11. She was a contemporary of William Babbage. He designed, though never built, a Difference Engine: a mechanical calculating machine. Ada suggested a way that the device might calculate Benouli numbers and is therefore credited as being the creator of the very first computer program.
  12. Slab Square's water feature to be repaired: should take about a month (oh yeh?).
  13. Nottingham's last trolleybus has been preserved and you can see it at the Trolley Bus Museum, Sandtoft (near Doncaster). They are holding an East Midlands themed weekend this coming August so there's every chance 506 will be running.
  14. Jack had a few more years in him: passing away in 1978.
  15. Looking towards Vernon Road from Radford Road just before the junction with the Ring Road (Valley Road) at Basford?
  16. London Road and Arkwright Street?
  17. Six more years and it will be our big 500. Such a shame it's gone to pot over the past twenty or so. Lauda Finem.
  18. Pole-Carew was ahead of his time: replacing hot lead with photo typesetting and confronting head-on the Spanish practices that bedevilled both provincial and Fleet Street publications. That said: today's Evening Post has me rushing for the sick bag if I read it - talk about a politically correct, propaganda sheet. The previous editor got an award for his right on editorial policy. and nothing's changed with his replacement.
  19. That's them. Ta, Bamber
  20. The small cheesy bicsuits were originally called Burton's Cheesettes. They came in a small red and yellow cellophane bag and cost 3d. I remember them because, as form biscuit monitor, I had to sell them along with Penny Bourbons, Custard Creams, Sportsmen and one whose name eludes it at the moment. It was chocolate with a peppermint centre and came wrapped in foil.