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Council House and Violent.

Tasteless, clueless, baseball cap back to front, shell suit, bling, energy drink imbiber, drives an old Suburu, owns pit bull terrier, most likely an inbred, appears on the Jeremy Kyle show. A suitable candidate foe a cull. That do you.?

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I hate to say this, but the generation that is now 60 years to 80 years of age were the last well educated generation passed out by government schools. Read what Universities say about new entrants..

Really pee's me off! We only have my partners low wage and my tax credits (barely anything) and we get a whole £2 off our rent ... And 0.4% off our council tax! Yet my partner works bloomin hard for m

I hate people my age who don't take the time to learn things, don't speak properly... I skived school a lot but I went to college to go and catch up on all I missed out on & to gain my GCSEs. My d

You've forgotten the bling ! Also said to come from the Romany word chavi for youngster .

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Back to the blackout. I have a cunning plan. Surely there's a firm in Britain that can produce treadmills in large quantities. I mean the ones that are actually operated by running on them. There are enough chavs drawing money for doing buggerall to produce electricity for decent people. Well it's a thought.

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The "Blackouts" of the 70's were actually power saving power cuts, we knew the time and how long we would be without power as the EMEB posted the time and duration and locations of the cuts, so we could plan around them.

I remember I was on a three day week at the peak of those miners strikes..

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Wouldn't that violate their "human rights" or more like "subhuman rights"??? LOL

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I said old Sub (Impreza) these are driven by the older chavs.

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Trev. I need to copy that plan and frame it. It is a masterpiece. It should be hanging in the Tate. Or even that oversized container near the GC tunnel.

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Bilbraborn....go for it. I got it off the Internet after Googling Chav Images. No copyrights and for all intents and purposes, free to copy.

After what I saw, I reckon that your Chavs are something else again.....definitely not of this world!

Then again, I think we used to call them slappers or slags?

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Or words not usable on this forum. We can all laugh, but what a divided society we live in. Them as can but won't work, them as can't but are determined to work, them as can and are happy to work, and those who can't and are being forced to work because of the idle gits who are milking the system.

I work for an agency who are absolutely brilliant and are good to me, but I still don't know what hours I will be working from one week to the next. I try to claim working tax credits but they want to know the exact hours I work. There is no provision for people like me.

Then on top of this I have to pay the most punishing tax of all. It is called "The Cost of Getting to Work Tax". Sometimes up to £70 a week in petrol to places like Rotherham and Newark. When you try to claim anything like tax credits, income support or housing benefit, they are not interested in this at all. Yet when anyone out of work needs to go for an interview they can claim cost of getting there AND clothes to wear.

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Council House and Violent.

Tasteless, clueless, baseball cap back to front, shell suit, bling, energy drink imbiber, drives an old Suburu, owns pit bull terrier, most likely an inbred, appears on the Jeremy Kyle show. A suitable candidate foe a cull. That do you.?

Someone referred to me as a chav the other day because my house is council and I had a baby at the age of 20. I was deeply offended :(

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Pixie, we have lived in local authority houses and my wife was pregnant at 19 (although she miscarried), but that never made us chavs. You have to meet all the other criteria, particularly so.

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