Dobbin the Robin

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Each of our garden compartments has a family of robins in residence. This is a photo of "Dobbin the Robbin", the pond garden resident:


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I've never heard that before about robins. On the contrary they are the gardeners friend. But having said that it I have just googled it and it is said that if a robin enters the house it is an omen of a death. However generally it was regarded as a bird of good luck, so much so that if anyone harmed one then bad luck would befall them.

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Never heard that, about a Robin being unlucky, only 1 single Magpie. I love Robins, such friendly little birds. I'll never forget when we lived in Surrey, a friend who cleaned for 2 elderly ladies, asked me if I'd dig over their garden for them. I did, and enjoyed the company of a Robin at my feet, getting the worms as they surfaced. Also, my youngest son us called Robin.

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It's in a robins make up to appear tame.Over the centuries to the present day they have closely followed wild boar,bison,and deer as they've disturbed the leaf litter for shoots and roots.

Humans have become a welcome addition to their list of providers for grubs and bugs.

Maybe grave diggers have attracted the birds in the past giving them the 'unlucky' badge.

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Hi Compo,

It's amazing how your 'Dobbin' gets around, isn't it? It was only a few months ago he was down here in the Midlands offering a 'selfie' in exchange for a feed of my maggots.



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A robin is one of the favourites to be the national bird of Britain but I think I'm right in saying it appears on the coat of arms of Glasgow. Perhaps it's a Salmon in disguise?

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Yes you're right 'tomlinson'. If you look closely you'll see it's a Red salmon in Robin's clothing and I think the box hanging on the right side of the tree is a 'John West' tin.

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Alexis Salmondii - the robin bast*rd who wanted to be king but now wants to be prime minister of UK.

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