What happened to the Nottstalgia Xmas Spirit

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Very little worth watching these days, either on the box or at the cinema. The viewing public is treated as if it's brain-dead. And the TV licence is legal robbery, the population should en-masse refuse to pay. Thank God for music.

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Going on what I see over here in the US the tv companies think the public wants a steady diet of celebrity idiocy, punctuated by so called reality shows and a steady diet of sports for the rest followed by news which is not news but propaganda and political correctness. Its enough to make anyone brain dead. I gave up on it long ago. (Although some might say I'm still brain dead). ;-)

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Television is getting progressively worse.

One of the main reasons is the proliferation of channels and the enormous increase in advertising.

It seems fairly obvious that more and more channels means a dilution in quality, and smaller budgets and the need to ramp up advertising means less content.

We're being educated into thinking that in order to get 'decent' programmes, we have to pay more.

'Believe in better' ? It means - believe in paying for Sky. (Or Netflix, or Virgin or Amazon).

Not that their programmes are that much better. It's mainly sport, films and TV series that were initially on terrestial channels but have been bought up (like MadMen). This is the state of TV in the 21st Century.

There are loads of channels, but there is massive duplication and loads of repeats.

Quite frankly, if we have to pay for TV then why do we have to put up with adverts? Because the advertising on Sky is relentless!

It's just hard work to watch television now.

I think we need to expect more of the services that we pay for i.e. the BBC.

Not only has the 'entertainment' value diminished (AND the fact that they show as many promo's now as commercial TV), the 'information' aspect has been dumbed-down to the point of News and journalism being reduced to lame humour and laughable presentation. The BBC News is like some sort of Xbox game. Cameras moving all over the place, now the newsreader's sat down, now she's stood up, now she's somewhere else in the studio.

Sound bites, crap reporting, self-promotion.

I've just been watching a political review of the year on the BBC News channel and I've never seen such a load of 'media studies' garbage in my life. Some twat walking around with cardboard cutouts of political leaders asking the public silly questions.

Ha ha ha. Tremendously amusing!

We've got an election in 6 months time and that's going to inform us ?

The idiots in charge at the BBC think that a couple of 'specials' like Miranda or Mrs. Brown Boys is going to fulfil their 'public service commitment'.

I can only see it going downhill.

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I've not had a TV Licence or about ten years, NO, I don't watch telly either. What I use my TV for is watching DVDs, so NO licence is required.

If I wanted to watch a specific TV program (never have) then there is catch up TV ie BBC iPlayer etc.

All the garbage about a shop has to notify TV Licencing when anyone buys a new TV, so what.

In ten years I have had one visit from TV Licencing GETAPO Enforcement people, no problem at all, "Come on in Youth" said I, the bloke even stayed for a cup of Tea.

No problem. TV nowadays is Crap in fact it is an insult to peoples intelligence. Never mind the licence fee.

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Mmm. Not really.

The most popular station (Radio 2) is mostly old stuff - 80's hits in the main. And that, in itself, is the same as playing repeats.

I used to love the radio and grew up listening to quality music in the 60's and 70's, but now I don't bother. It's so playlisted and lacking in originality. Radio stations just want people who can talk incessantly between the stuff that they have already pre-programmed in on hard disk. That's why they particularly like stand-up comedians and people like Lauren Laverne who know very little about music.

If anything, I listen to speech radio these days - but with that you're again back to 'onslaught' advertising; ad breaks that just go on and on.

Here in London they want you you to subscribe to podcasts for stations like LBC. So, again, they are trying to educate us into thinking that for quality programmes we have to subscribe and pay in order to download them.

Crozier - the loathsome controller of ITV is pissed off that they can't do the equivalent with paid-for TV replays, but the BBC have effectively nipped that in the bud with the iPlayer. That doesn't stop ITV inserting adverts that you can't avoid into their 'catch up' services. But then again, there aren't that many ITV programmes that people want to watch again online!

I agree with loppylugs about the parlous state of current affairs programmes. The journalism is piss-poor and the direction and editorial is gormless and without credibility.

I think I'm right in saying that there has been a mass switch-off this Christmas with less people watching TV because it's been crap!

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Not sure what you mean firbeck, are you saying the viewing public IS brain-dead?


The media consultants clearly know who they are dealing with and are setting their sights, and profits, accordingly.

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