Photography shop

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My Dad when he was alive was quite a prolific photo man. Rcts member- i often accompanied him to Midland or vic station even Lenton lane and most of uk steam venues. When developing years ago he used a shop on Radford Rd(red painted- with yellow film on the windows.) just down from Lenos cinema. Can't for the life of me remember the shops name, foreign gent?? Is it still open?? He took pity on me and often gave me free film for my battered zenith e. Any help??

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Dicks pet shop was on the corner of Berridge Road, then came aladies hairdresser then the Lenos cinema, if memory serves there was then a very short block end street down the side of the Lenos followed by the block that contained the photography shop. I am fairly sure there was a veg shop in that block to.

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#1 Ian,

The photographic shop was P. Heathcote Ltd, 302 Radford Road.

My dad also used that shop but I preferred Cameo Cameras. My first SLR was Zenith E cost £30 from Cameo Cameras back in the 70's, moved onto better and more expensive equipment over the years.

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Thanks gents - my Dad auctioned all pics and negatives it was his final wish. The proceeds of the4000 photograph collection was divided between my two sons!! Robbie and Cliff-there's money in them there snaps!! I still have a crappy zorkie i got from there.

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You have got me thinking now, I am in the very fortunate position of inheriting from my late dad's and father in law's,( he was a journalist and professional photographer), collection of 20000+ negatives and 1000's of slides (excluding the usual family/holiday snaps). This collection dates from the 1930's through to the 1990's are of a similar theme to the photos I have been posting, but covering a wider field. As my kids have absolutely no interest in these photos I did consider offering them to the archive's office but maybe an appropriate auction house could be more beneficial to me and my family.

Where as my photos I will keep, my kids do have an interest and want to keep these, will be pass onto them eventually. Until I have decided what course of action to take, the entire collection plus equipment does take up valuable storage space I will continue to post photographs

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Yes Robbie, i understand- for years my dad supplied railway mags with requested photographs " black five chugging towards ollerton" or some such caption!! Made quite a side living- we met Ian Allan several times. Nottingham and family photos are here with me. I get them out and sometimes get a little tearful when i see parents etc.. I'll have a suss around and see if i can find auctioneers and private message you details . Ian.

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Robbie and Cliff-there's money in them there snaps!! .

I know I've posted quite a few of my own on here, but they aren't old enough to be worth anything like those taken your parents.

However....I have quite a lot (taken in the last 20 years or so) on Picture the Past. So future generations of Nottstalgians will find mine.

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It's funny Cliff the photographs you have, they will become invaluble-what in 10 / 20 years?? I don't think people like yourself and Robbie who document time think in a moneytary way. I 've been going through past threads and the wealth of help, knowledge and information is mind boggling!! The alley way on Wollaton St. is a case in point. Even though i live in Tipperary- on Nottstalgia i am " home".

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You guys beat me to it - The shop was Heathcotes. I lived on Bobbers Mill Road and passed it virtually every day. Although it was shut from before the millenium it remained unused for some time.


You could start cataloguing your vast archive (There are some photo processing programs available which some colleagues have used for military photography) but also try approaching Notts council. The library service is remarkably helpful and if you opt to keep intellectual property rights they will usually accomodate.

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