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I am currently in receipt of about 130 spam emails a day,my yahoo mail usually throws them in the bin but occasionally one or two are missed, likewise sometimes a real mail finds it's way into the spam box,which means I still have to glance at them (Not open please note) for a quick check and rescue before I delete them.

The usual suspects are penis enlargements ,viagra or other such stimulants, Rolex watches and I must win 5 or 6 lotteries or I am the beneficiary in some Nigerian money laundering scam.

Any one else getting this many?

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My past flood of spam coincided with membership of Yahoo discussion groups, and reduced to a trickle following my withdrawal from them - and any use of their sites. Apparently, they are notorious for all the spam they seem to stimulate, innocently or otherwise. Personally, I'm a great fan of Mailwasher, which is free and enables spam and potential virus material to be dumped prior to arriving at your Inbox.


Robt P.

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Agree with Rob, I use mailwasher pro, it filters all the spam before your email program opens, you can also train mailwasher to blacklist the mail from the same spammers where they try to get around it by using different 'from' addresses, it will also bounce the mail back to the sender if you wish.

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I roughly get seven spam mails a day that amount in my opinion isn’t a problem.

I even get this site notifications going into my spam box again not a problem.

But when my pension money gets paid into my spam box then it becomes a problem.


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I was up to about 300 a day in Yahoo, but it trickled to a mere couple of days last week, and now back up to about 80 a day.

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I have been with Yahoo for 4 years and it has been very good (in my opinion) at removing spam ,it's only in the last week or so that it has gone 'wappy'

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  • 2 weeks later...

207 in the last 24 hours (I 'won' the same lottery prize 14 times)

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I use the spam filter that is provided by my domain server ( - it works very well. The only spam that gets through is that to my "native" e-mail address which I try not to use. forward all my e-mail automatically to that address.

At work we use a corporate version of Symantec - which also seems to work pretty well.

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As I said yahoo does a grand job filtering them out. I would hate for SWMBO to be plagued with them because she hasn't got a spam filter on her mail!! (I keep telling her to change but women know best)


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with AOL all spam goes into the spam folder unless one gives it clearance to enter ones email to read folder....easy peasy....


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