Which was best?

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Ayup all,

One for the blokes really but I think some enterprising young lady will come up with their version.

What was best: Dinky or Corgi and when you've answered that which particular model?


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I`m afraid my elder daughter is a `Dinky',Rog. Is she the one you are thinking of?

(DINKY is occasionally used (in the UK, India, and China) to describe a high-earning couple who choose not to have children and are therefore able to afford a more expensive consumer lifestyle than those with families. The term was coined during the 1980s, at the height of "yuppie" culture. The post-2000 economic crises have made this social pattern more permanent)

As to corgis ,they are viscious little brutes,but this one came unstuck!

. Princess Anne's bull terrier is to undergo behavioral training after savaging one of the Queen's corgis. !inthebin!

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No contest...Dinky...

Still possess my cherished circa 1955 Dinky Guy Flat truck...complete with chains, no less...

IIRC, 2/6p from Lee & Goodjohn's, Nuthall Road.

Weighs not much less than the 1:1 scale version!


Robt P.

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I was just a bit too young for Corgi / Dinky , in my era it was all "Matchbox" which later had the rivalry with "HotWheels"

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Can’t say I had any preferences over Dinky or Corgi never was that much of a geek.

I do have, and my grandchildren still play with Corgi and dinky dye cast toys left over from my childhood that my mum [god keep her] saved.

But I do remember Hot Wheels; my lad who is now 32 had the loop-de-loop track with the turbo boost thingamigig.

I was going to put a link in but, you know what? I just couldn't be bothered!


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