Four Pirates V The Might of the US Navy

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If it wasn't for the fact that the poor captains life was at stake, I couldn't take it seriously, this latest incident off the coast of Somalia is turning out to be another farce.

I wonder if Johnny Depp is involved here, on the one hand we have 4, probably half starved pirates armed with AK-47's, holding one man hostage, drifting on a lifeboat with no engine power and probably few supplies faced by one of the most powerful destroyers in the world, nearly 10,000 tons of lethal fire power, armed with 92 Tomahawks, it could probably have won every previous major sea battle throughout history on it's own.

Backed up by a PC-3 Orion maritime aircraft and the might of US intelligence, it appears powerless to act.

Yes, the French have just tried to kick ass and it didn't quite come off, but their military exploits have hardly been inspirational have they, they're too impulsive, but at least they are prepared to do something.

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They could try the nazi method of negoiating, find out who they are, then ask to release catain if they don't, then shoot all relatives, then bomb their village/town, and finally if still no go blow the lifeboat out the water, might kill the kapitan but any others would think twice

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It's interesting to read about the Somali's reasons for doing this on the Al-Jazeerah website, it's very conflicting, an economically ruined country with no help, a dumping ground off their coast for the Wests waste, religious fundamentalism, warlords running amok and wishing to fund their hareems and drug habits. I go for the latter, which is why the Yanks don't want to get too involved, don't forget how they got their fingers burnt aka 'Blackhawk Down'. I'm sure that if they knew of a definate Al-Queda link, then cruise missiles would be raining down on every pirate settlement and warlords headquarters on the coast.

It's interesting that the US freighter that sparked all this off was carrying food aid to Somalia and other African countries, I wonder if they knew this before they attacked it, probably, knick the grub and charge their own people for it.

As more incidents are about to happen now that the monsoon season has finished, with so many foreign warships about, I would have thought that a simple solution would be to go back to the days of WW2 and form the passing ships into escorted convoys, I doubt whether the pirates would try anything then.

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It's time every ship had several highly trained ex SAS/Rangers? Navy Seal mercenaries to escort ships through these waters. All armed with the latest lasers, grenade launchers, etc and given the go ahead to blast pirates out of the water if they come within 300 feet of any ship!

Once a dozen pirates have met with a watery grave and the rest know the risks, I'd say piracy around the Horn of Africa will be history.

Just wants someone to show AK47's are no match against what we have!

Good target practice for mercenaries too! !laughing!

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Could 19th-Century plan stop piracy?

International efforts to thwart Somali piracy would appear to be floundering. Perhaps words from the 19th Century could offer a solution, writes the BBC News website's world affairs correspondent Paul Reynolds.


Palmerston did not hesitate to send in the gunboatsIf the navies of the world need some advice on ways to stop piracy off Somalia, they could look to Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Secretary in 1841.

"Taking a wasps' nest... is more effective than catching the wasps one by one," he remarked.

Palmerston, the great advocate of gunboat diplomacy, was speaking in support of a British naval

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I'd love to see a video of the one who is still alive, I'll bet he threw his AK47 down real quick when his mates dropped dead at side of him with lead poisoning!! !laughing!

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