Drink/Violence Crackdown (about time)

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A wonder a certain member hasn't been on about this? how the country is going to rack and ruin

" police crack down on alcohol violence

police are beginning their biggest co-ordinated operation to curb alcohol-related violence nationwide.

Operation Unite, deploying thousands of extra officers, will be the most widespread and concerted blitz and will last for two nights.

It is an attempt to send the message that excessive alcohol consumption and bad behaviour will not be tolerated.

Alcohol-related violence, including sexual assaults and fights, has nearly doubled in the past decade and a half.

This weekend police will flood into towns and cities in an unprecedented show of force.

Our casual approach to drinking in our society is actually destroying lives and destroying people

Undercover officers will join their uniformed colleagues along with dog squads and mounted units.

"If you intend to go out and get paralytic and vomit and fight and abuse people and damage property then there is no real place for you on our streets,"

A Police spokesman added

One thousand extra police will be patrolling, The crackdown ends at 0600 on Monday.

Each week the abuse of alcohol kills on average more than 60 while 1,500 end up in hospital.

Alan Morrison says what he calls an epidemic of self-destruction must be addressed.

"There certainly is a cultural acceptance of drinking and I'm not sure I understand why that is the case.

"I see the effects of it all the time and I think most people don't come into contact with the kind of things paramedics or police or emergency departments see to understand that our casual approach to drinking in our society is actually destroying lives and destroying people," he said.

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!bravo! Not a minute too soon!! But what's the betting some of the town wise p**s artists will see the next2 days/nights as a real challenge............. !cheers! Still, the boys in blue will get some overtime in time for Chrimbo..............

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I think the police in UK .,NZ,and Australia have been on the phone to each other. We had an identical crackdown at the same date. Obviously the cops do need the extra cash for Christmas.!

Quiet start to huge crackdown on street drunkeness

A ZERO-tolerance approach to drunks on the streets got off to a quiet start start last night, with 21 people arrested for behavourial offences.

One other person was arrested for drink-driving offences, while 145 notices were issued for traffic offences and vehicle defects.

Operation Unite, a co-ordinated attack against drunken anti-social behaviour and violence rolled out across Australia and New Zealand.

Locally, 200 police kept a close eye on revellers in entertainment precincts - half of them in the CBD, the rest in Glenelg, Gawler and Mt Gambier.

Police hit the streets from 10pm last night until 6am today and will be back out from 10pm tonight for a further eight hours.

Deputy Commissioner Gary Burns said last night police were sick of dealing with the aftermath of alcohol-fuelled violence.

"We put police on the streets tonight, it doesn't matter how many people we arrest or we don't arrest, what we are doing is making a statement that society needs to have a good look at itself in terms of alcohol," Mr Burns said.

However, he added that increased police patrols are not a magic bullet in fixing alcohol-fuelled violence - violence which has caused 3000 deaths across the nation in the past year and fuelled 69 per cent of assaults on police and 35 per cent of serious assaults.

"You're not going to have a solution to this by police alone, if you really want to solve this you to solve it over the long term and flooding the streets with police on weekends is not going to do it."

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