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At a time when everything is being cut even to the extent of a blackout on a motorway (how long before someone is killed as a direct result?) it surprised me to read Aid to Afganistan is to go up by 40% in a bid to speed up the withdrawal of troops? I have a far easier and cheaper idea, Simply put the troops in these transport aircraft they are flying the bodies back in. That is not me being disrespectful to those killed but this whole "policing the world" buttering up to the usa is in my opinion a total waste of time money and life.

How can aid disuade someone willing, in fact wanting, to kill themselves for their beliefs? "Ah the British have built a new public toilet, I won't go and shoot their troops now" maybe it's me that's wrong but I don't think you can wage war against a belief? nor can you fight a civilised war? We spend billions on arms, defence etc, why? do you feel safer knowing we have have the bomb, and trident or whatever yet can't defeat a load of tribesmen in the mountains, I'm not belittling the task but just cannot see what they (politians,army planners or whatever) are trying to achieve?

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I must admit that this is a war that I don`t understand. Why are we there? Who are we fighting?

The USA funded and armed the Taliban when they were fighting the Russians, didn`t they?

Presumably the 'Taliban' are Afghans? How do the 'Allies' know who they`re fighting?

Do the 'Taliban' just melt away into the villages and hills when they`re not Talibaning?

If we don`t know what the aims and objectives of the war are, how will we know when we`ve 'won'?

And if there was, for example, a horrible set of British nasties in England and the Afghans and Pakistanis came across to bash them for us and bombed us while they were doing it whilst dishing out aid to win our hearts and minds ----- might we not be a bit ambivalent about our 'saviours'?

I hope that I don`t offend anybody with these musings. I`m sure that there are lots of issues that I'm ignorant of but - - - this is a war that I don`t understand!

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How many dead in the bombings in London?...Fifty was it? Don't get me wrong it was a terrible deed and my sympathies are with the families.For this reason we are in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban to prevent their allowing terrorist camps to be set up.

An advert on TV has made me post made me think...they are asking for £3 a week to fight cancer.

If the BILLIONS spent on these wars was given to the Cancer Research charities and the Heart Foundation and the rest.Like more hospitals...road safety...more air ambulances...better border controls to keep the trash off this island....more investment in life saving drugs.

How many lives would have been saved over the past ten years...10,000...50,000 or even more.

A damn sight more deaths through lack of funding than the terrorist outrages.

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Yes, Poohbear. I hear what you`re saying about money spent on the war machine.

I can never understand how things like the Air Ambulance and the Lifeboat service can be charity funded!

The world is just FULL of stuff that I don`t understand.

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I may be wrong but were the bombers or those recently convicted of plotting stuff connected to the taliban or afganistan in any way? theres enough "training" in uk to be had never mind going over there for such, sort out this country first before worrying about others, We should have the easiest to enforce border controls in the world, even the nazi's couldn't get in! yet by inviting the riff raff we have (and not wanting to upset their human rights) the powers that be have got us in this mess.

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"You can't Beat these people.They live such useless and wretched lives it does not matter to them if they live or die.

When you are on guard duty they will risk their lives to steal a blanket from your back, and kill you for it if they need to"


(Hampshire Regiment, Afghanistan 1930's)


Photograph © Los Angeles Times/Glendale News Press 1996

Dad Stan2me (1912- 2008)

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Why are several countries in Afghanistan?? Simple, we are there to bring peace and order so as our mining and oil companies can rape the country of it's mineral assets. It has rich deposits of coal, oil, copper, gold, silver, lead, tin etc etc. The oil companies have a planned pipeline across the country from the east to the west when they know it won't get blown up.

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That is so's as if you think our MPs and Euro MPs are just in it for the money...Thank God our House of Lords are filled with patriots who only think of the good of the country and not their bank accounts.


Honourable members my arse.

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You can bet most have large sums of money invested in big mining and oil companies!!

Some time ago I was doing some research into minerals in Afghanistan, low and behold, it has loads of minable resources. Then would you believe it, just two weeks ago there was an article on Yahoo News that US Geologists have "found" large deposits of valuable minerals over there.. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Could have saved a whole lot of exploration costs, all they needed to to was "google" !rotfl!

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Why are several countries in Afghanistan?? Simple, we are there to bring peace and order so as our mining and oil companies can rape the country of it's mineral assets. It has rich deposits of coal, oil, copper, gold, silver, lead, tin etc etc. The oil companies have a planned pipeline across the country from the east to the west when they know it won't get blown up.


I didn`t know that. At least, I`d vaguely heard of the pipeline but it`s seldom mentioned in news/discussion progs.

That makes things horribly clearer.

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Our countries military are very rarely used to defend our sovereignty these days, they are used to protect our business interests, ie glorified mercenaries. If our lying cheating politicians were really honest, we'd never allow tyrants and murderers get away with what they do, ie Zimbabwe's Mugabi. But then there's nowt in that agricultural dustbowl for our major oil and mining cartels, is there.. Now if there was vast oil deposits under Zimbabwe, both the US and Britain would have had a few thousand troops stationed there.

Takes one back to the East India Company, doesn't it.

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