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Perhaps both products contravene EU regulations,

The EU want products to be sold by weight alone, makes no sense to me if you need a specific number of product.

But for now, the answer is simple, buy 2x12 rolls, 3x8 hot dogs and have a bigger party!

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And whats happened to Potato's.... they boil away to nowt now ..we've tried all makes ..all the same..taste starchy too.

Get yourself an allotment Kev, we're still digging ours up and thems bootiful whatever you do with them, chips, mash, roasties, anything. We planted various varieties including Charlottes, Maris Piper, my missus has a list, the best one's though are from the previous owner, they keep coming up and they are fantastic, we haven't a clue what type they are though.

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Abraham Lincoln was elected into congress in 1846

John F Kennedy was elected into congress in 1946

Lincoln was elected president in 1860

Kennedy was elected president in 1960

Both presidents were shot on a Friday

Both presidents were shot in the head

Lincolns secretary was called Kennedy

Kennedys secretary was called Lincoln

Both were succeeded by southerners named Johnson

Andrew Johnson was born 1808

Lyndon Johnson was born 1908

John Wilks booth who assassinated Lincoln was born 1839

Lee harvey Oswald who assassinated Kennedy was born 1939

Lincoln was shot in the Ford theatre

Kennedy was shot in a Ford Lincoln

Lincoln was shot in a theatre and the assassin hid in a warehouse.

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse the assassin hid in a theatre.

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There's a few more to that list but I can't remember them , one is to do with the name of the police officer that was shot by Oswald, another is the amount of letters in the names, oh and the fact that neither of them lived to stand trial.

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  • 1 year later...

Get yourself an allotment Kev, we're still digging ours up and thems bootiful whatever you do with them, chips, mash, roasties, anything. We planted various varieties including Charlottes, Maris Piper, my missus has a list, the best one's though are from the previous owner, they keep coming up and they are fantastic, we haven't a clue what type they are though.

I also have an allotment.

My favourite potato for growing is Picasso and find them good for all kinds of cooking.(they also crop well.)

When boiling some potatoes take less time to cook than others if your spuds are boiling to a mush boil them for a shorter time.

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Why doesnt the glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

And why is it when you go out wanting to find something in particular, you never find it.. when your not looking for it anymore, you find it?

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Why doesnt the glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

And why is it when you go out wanting to find something in particular, you never find it.. when your not looking for it anymore, you find it?

Never thought about the glue ! good point that.

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