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Not so sure about this idea. I keep opening up threads on 'view new content' thinking that a poster has contributed some new information that might be interesting when this is not so. Just my two-penn'orth. Not sure what others think?

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Judging from some of those locations, I'd guess quite a few of those viewings are people sitting around at work on a boring/quiet afternoon and randomly surfing the net. They may not have any specific interest in anything here - but perhaps a casual viewer might turn into a regular visitor

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  • 1 year later...

HI. MY NAME IS ANDY CHARLESWORTH meadows born and bred schools welbeck juniors. trent bridge secondary 1965 to1969 does anyone out there remember me people iremember include cooksies edis wilson benjamin brown liabird the list is endless my relatives include brothers roy david mark glen micheal cousins george falconbridge jimmy carrier kevin charlesworth i have lots of memories to share my last teacher at tb was mr spungin i am useless on computers p lease put this in right place

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welcome andy not a medows gel myself but the nane george falcolnbridge is ringing bells in my head was he a bikeri just carnt think why iknow that name

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  • 7 months later...

Hi denshaw sorry just found one of your posts from march not to good with computers you seem to have known acouple of people i knew has iremember there where 2 oldnowes iknew one i think was in my class at tb was it micheal how old are you denshaw where was glebe st did it connect to arkwright st i knew it very well just cant recall . location was there a factory on the corner.

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Hey up Denshaw find it a bit frustrating that i cant vision Glebe st when i get a minute ill look in my books i am pretty sure theres a picture did you go to tb or roland green our mark went to roland green can you remember the petrol station on the other side of the road on arkwright st what i can remember is those little advertising boards advertising forest and county matches.Have you seen st saviors church and vicarage down the meadows now never really noticed it as a kid but against modern buildings they are like a breath of fresh air.Cant remember many kids from your side of arkwright st my mates mam had the Magpie Cafe on meadow his name was melvyn langsdale lived in WB unfortunately he died at aged 21 brain tumor.Did you become a skinhead i did infashion only .There doesent seem to be any ex skinheads on this site they wernt all thugs .

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Glebe street ran between Arkwright st and London rd, Saint Saviors church and a petrol station/tyre place was on the corner.

This one?;EQUALS;NTGM018603&prevUrl=

And while we're on Glebe Street...;EQUALS;NTGM000715&prevUrl=

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Thanks for that Clif ton i had found a picture but not has clear as yours mine just shows a sign tyre man and because its from opposite way does not show petrol pumps clear theres nothing wrong with your memory to locate pictures so fast Thanks again

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Denshaw did you know Vince McMullen he lived on bathley st other names you might know marriots perkins rhodes wilsons simpson my mums side were crofts mums brother Johnny had havenwood constuction they built houses on estate near asda WBridgeford he also built and owned the Gateway Hotel bobbers mill.More likely to remember you when you were younger any photos around early seventies.

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