Questions about Captain Popkess

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Hi, I've been floating around for the past couple of years taking info.

But a few things have been bugging me.

Can someone tell me his history? And his involvement in the building of the "fuhrer" bunker?

The reason I am interested is, I currently live in a house in sherwood, that was previously a care home. Prior to our restoration work, the last family that lived here (whom I met the lady who would have been 18 in the 1960's) has stated the Popkess lived at the address before her dad brought it... The house also has a nickname "the Police house"

Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on this...

Other than that, thanks for some pretty good threads.

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Welcome to Nottstalgia.

Popkess has been mentioned here before.

Forum Search will bring them back.

He certainly had connections in the Parks Estate (see their website)

First I heard of a Sherwood connection?

And visited Germany prior to WW2 leading to Nottm excellent pre war preparations.

Cant be many Athelstan Popkess's Can any Ancestry member help with records?

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An interesting mention of Popkess here

"The second scandal took place in Labour-controlled Nottingham in 1959 when, Chief Constable (and former Black and Tan member) Athelstan Popkess, launched an investigation of twenty Labour councillors. The Town Clerk successfully persuaded him that this was unreasonable, but it was succeeded by another enquiry, responding to groundless allegations that two Labour councillors and the Secretary of the District Labour Party had been bribed on a visit to East Germany. When details of the investigation, known only to the police, were leaked the day before the municipal elections, the Labour group asked for a report on the matter from Popkess. When he refused, they suspended him but Home Secretary Rab Butler immediately ordered them to reinstate him. The Town Clerk maintained that this power was the prerogative of the watch committee, but Butler threatened to withdraw the central government grant, even though the Home Office conceded that the force was not 'inefficient' -- their only legal justification for a withdrawal. By now national Labour Party figures, worried that the events in Nottingham would damage their chances in the forthcoming local elections, persuaded the watch committee to back down."

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I see that Alf Bowley former Divisional Commander of Nottingham, has recently published the low down on the Popkess affair via the Thoroton Society, but I am unable to find it in detail on Google?

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Hi Agent, let me see if I can help.

The Fuhrer Bunker was a name I gave to the underground air raid shelter Captain Papkess had built under the City Police HQ on North Church Street. The named seemed apt as Popkess had been "notorious" for his visits to Germany in the 1930s. You will find a video recreation of the bunker on this website.

As far as his homes go I was only aware of Captain Popkess living in The Park but it should be relatively simple to find out if he did live at your current address.

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Thanks for the great info. I was wondering when they were dug out thanks bamber. How would I go about finding this? There is noting in the deed (ie. past owners) only hearsay. Mick2me thanks also, I have tried to search for that no luck either.

I've also only ever found info on Popkess living in the Park, strange how little info their is on him, considering what he has done.

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I see that Alf Bowley former Divisional Commander of Nottingham, has recently published the low down on the Popkess affair via the Thoroton Society, but I am unable to find it in detail on Google?

This can be seen in the Local Studies Library in town. I know because I've now been there and read it. I didn't attempt to memorise it and reproduce it here because it runs to about 15 pages and goes into quite a lot of detail. I don't know if the Thorotons ever put their material online, so going to the library may be the only way you'd get to know.

And it only covers the "Popkess Affair"; it doesn't give much other information about him or his life

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  • 4 years later...


I'm new to this site so bear with me!

I've come across a book written by the infamous Captain Athelstan Popkess and just wondered if there is any link on this site where I could advertise it for sale?


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Welcome to Nottstalgia hlh

Do you mean that you have a copy of an old book which you want to sell ? If so, you could start a new thread in this forum

Although I think you might get a better result if you advertise it on ebay or something similar.

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Some time in the sixties?

Quote from a flustered prisoner at Nottingham Guildhall on being simply put on probation:

"I would like to thank you from the heart of my bottom, Poptin Catpiss......."

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#8 hih. I knew a chap who was an ex-policemen and at the time that Popkess wrote his book (I think) was his Personal Assistant. He told me that the book didn't sell well and there were lots of unsold copies.

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The reason I am interested is, I currently live in a house in sherwood, that was previously a care home. Prior to our restoration work, the last family that lived here (whom I met the lady who would have been 18 in the 1960's) has stated the Popkess lived at the address before her dad brought it... The house also has a nickname "the Police house"

I know this thread is more than 4 years old and Agent hasn't logged in since April 2012, but I accidentally came across the subject. In an Old Nottingham book is this photo with the information that this is Cavendish House on Burlington Road, Sherwood and "...was demolished in 1948. One of the last occupants was Capt. Athelstan Popkess.."


And in the same book, another photo where the caption is self-explanatory. That corner of Sherwood was obviously big in police houses back then.


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