''Parenting classes''

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Good old David Cameron has introduced ''Parenting classes'' Sending out all mothers with children aged 0-5 a voucher worth £100? for these classes, providing regular emails and texts with advice for parents, i was told he wanted to make the clases compulsery.. Saw on the news him saying 'We have to take driving lessons and learn things at school, so why arent mothers having classes to care for their children'

...Personally, I think if you need classes to teach you how to care for and bring up your children, dont have children. I think its all instinct, you do what YOU thinks right for your child. If i recieve a voucher, ill be return-sending it back to where it came from. Its the biggest insult to parents doing a good job, in my opinion. Theres enough helpfull pages, groups, forums on the internet if your unsure of anything, plus so many people around to ask.

......Anyone else think its just a stupid idea & a waste of money, or just me?

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Exactly, i think its quite a big insult to the parents like myself who provide proper care and upbringing for their children, i understand people struggle, iv struggled with being a parent & asked for advice, but iv allways known how to change a nappy, provide good food and decent clothes, how to play and teach my daughter. So what are these parenting classes going to involve exactly? pretty sure its not rocket science.. 0-5 are the easier years, provide it to mums of teenagers who are struggling to controll their attitudes & teenage behavier.

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its just an excuse to down on social services for those parents who really need help if things go wrong they can say well we did offer them parenting classes

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...What could go wrong though?

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that should say cut down on social servies

pixie most mothers like yourselfs can just get on and no what needs doing to give there children a good start in life but for some it will always be difficult and they will always need help and i am sorry to say some need to have there children taken into care for the childs wellbeing . but for some these classes could help put them on the right track before it got to that stage pro and cons to this but it will always be contreversal.

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Sounds patronising to me. There's family help when needed....who's Grandparent's haven't given good advice in the past? I can't believe the cheek!

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gibbo 04 many families no longer live in the same communities or even the same towns or county as there familily and have not got the support they would once have had, and for some families the problems go back several generations, having worked with children for 30 years in many different communities have seen many things over the years

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I think theres a big line between OFFERING advice, providing trustable sauces on the internet or via phone for parents with questions, maybe their child is sick, maybe they need advice on weaning, potty training etc... But then theres ramming these classes down peoples throats, comparing the parenting classes to having to take driving lessons before legally owning a car.

On facebook, im a member of a couple of 'Mummy groups' alot of people post on there asking for advice about some things their not sure about, iv asked for advice, iv often rang my mum asking if my daughter would be ok with certain foods (She eats 'big people' finger foods now, sandwiches etc) & for generall advice if im a little concerned. My partner needed a little help when Paige was first born, he was never around any babies when he was growing up, hes an only child and never had any other babies in the family as he got older. So changing nappies, making bottles was a big learning curve for him, he was even worried about picking her up & never bathed her by himself untill she was about 5 months.... But he picked these things up along the way, now hes fantastic. Mothers seem to 'know' things by instinct, Im confused as to why its only mothers who have been told they are to have these vouchers for classes, why havent new dads been told to have them too or instead?

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The good old government (Not my choice of government by the way) try to do something good to help and folks want to moan. I personally think some people need all the help they can get. So why moan when help is being offered for free ? You'd be the first to moan if you wanted some help and it wasn't there.

It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't .

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The answer must be 'Government control',from the cradle to the grave.

Give the children a good education,and we 'have' to give our youth a future

Are we the last generation that had ,respect,and discipline,and a duty towards others.

We had 'cubs,brownies,scouts,girl guides,and the boys brigade.

Enjoyment, whilst learning so much.

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All the clubs you speak of are still going strong Mudgie.

My daughter has just started Brownies, my little lad has had to go on the 'waiting list' to join the Cubs as they are so popular still !

But by far and a way the best thing ever started by any government was "Sure Start" which was started by the last Labour government , it really gave our Charlotte a head start in life . For example she could count to 20 and knew her alphabet before the age of 4 !!

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Dont get me wrong, I think its a brilliant idea having the help out there for all mums who need the help, But i dont think they should make all mums of young children feel forced into having these lessons, Not everyone needs lessons per say, but guidence & support, as far as i know there are places for this such as sure start centres that i regularly visit with my daughter for weigh-ins, to meet other mums & also for advice from the midwifes. The only thing i could really fault is the comunication with health visitors, iv only met mine twice in 8 months, i dont have a direct phone number for her either, many in the same boat, i and im sure other parents would appreciate more visits, appointments and check ups, alot more people would ask for less advice & have their mind put at ease that their doing a good job & that their little ones are fine and healthy.Its all a matter of opinion, people are going to have mixed views and feelings about the classes.

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Here's a bit about it


As I said , it was started by the last Labour Government against much poo pooing from the Conservatives , who now look like they're trying to jump on the 'bandwagon' with their own 'idea'

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"Parenting classes"? fron David Cameron that pompus rich toff it's a pity his parents did't have them.

If it's anythig I hate it's the rich & over privilaged lecturing others how to behave.


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Sounds very much like the Sure start centre i go to that have been around for a few years now. Apart from they dont have a dentist.. But have different things each day, mainly for the kiddies, but some things for the parents on set days such as the stop smoking clinics.

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if you think about it pixie all the hype was that all mothers should breast feed there babies and young mums were made to feel bad if they would not or could not do this but in the end it came down to the mothers own choice as much as the health visitors and midwives tried to get mums to breast feed no one could really make you do it if you did not want to.although there were some health profesionals who went over the top and some pore young mums did it even if they did not want too because they dear not stand up to them.

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I had a midwife who tried to push me into breast feeding, she said how can I expect a healthy baby if I'm going to feed it formula, in the end I changed midwives to a nice lady who asked my opinions and never mentioned it again. I had a few people, professionals and inlaws who tried to convince me to breast feed, I didn't like the idea of it, quite selfishly, but I bottle fed and my daughter is above advridge for her learning, so this nonsense about breast fed babies being smarter and healthier isn't worth listening too, most breast fed babies I know seem to be poorlier more often, my little girl hasnt been poorly since the day she was born. I back formula milk 110% but I respect women who breast feed and believe it's the most natural thing in the world, no one should judge it & they shouldn't be expected to hide away to feed their baby because the public don't like to see it.

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there is a concern by world health organisations,as to additives in baby formula.there have been recalls of baby formula worldwide.

It may be that they are attempting to find a substitute for 'antibodies' that occur naturally in breast milk.

I think you judged breast feeding as "nonsense and not worth listening to".

Reports indicate a strong move back to breast feeding.Its worth checking out.

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£100 pounds if you are crap at bringing up children, what a waste off money.Is this government going to get £100 pounds themselves for being crap as well

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You would have thought that with all the cuts in necessary and even essential services, the government would not be looking for new things on which to spend the tax they take from the dwindling number of people still in work.

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Show me the child when they are 7 and I will show you the man.....I agree with Babs, after many years as a teacher, some families need all the help on offer....surely the first seven years should provide this for them in a sympathetic and realistic form ?

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