Cali Gal

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Everything posted by Cali Gal

  1. Robin, I think you need a nice massage or something, you get wound up too easily. I don't think he was putting you down, it's just a difference of opinion. It's all relative actually, looking at those pictures I too would call it living in the country, but to someone as far out of town as he is, it is not. So settle down now, let's all be friends!
  2. I've never seen Den respond to any of Flat Cap's rantings come to think of it... I asked him before if it was him and he denied it... Den, do you have anything to add?
  3. You're right, but I don't want to let him sit there all smug thinking he's had the last word!!
  4. And waitress's work damned hard, especially if they have to deal with miserable sods all day long! I still don't think FC is as old as he claims... Just a first class windup merchant... I agree about waitresses, I lasted 2 weeks at that job! I have a lot of respect for them, there are so many complainers out there! Also, I agree about Flat Cap, I still believe he's another member just having a go at us! I know he's just trying to wind me up along with others, I just like correcting him, wind him up too!
  5. Waitress...hmm...I tried that once when I was about 19...thankless job. Actually I was a leasing agent for several years then I switched gears into construction after my father died, as he was a real estate developer, I wanted to do something more like him. B) Just in case you're wondering, I've never lived off of the government or anyone else, unless of course you count my husband! I am a stay home mom of three kids because I think kids should be brought up by their parents, not a day care provider. You may call me a loser or waitress or anything else you find degrading if it makes you fee
  6. I'm with you dear, he calls it "constructive criticism" when there is in fact nothing constructive about it. To construct is to build, to make better. What he says is "destructive criticism". But I must say, he is fun to have a go at!! And seeing how he's turned out should make you happy to be you!!
  7. I know it's Sunday, but I'm rarely on my computer on the weekends with 3 kids playing baseball and other family outings! And Flat Cap, we can see how happy your mothers children are!!
  8. Happy Mothers Day all you moms out there!
  9. What's Indie? I don't listen to much new rock Caz, but what's your sons name?
  10. I know that one! They play "Oldies"!!
  11. I think I'm talking about older music than you're talking about Mick!! You're right about that though, it seems they can't come up with their own stuff anymore! I don't know how many rehashed 80's songs I've heard along with 70's, but most of them don't go much further back than that.
  12. To be honest, I don't listen to radio much. Where are they located, do you know? I've been listening a lot lately to Josh Groban and Michael Buble, and no stations I've found play either one of them, I also listen to country and 80's music (of course there are stations for those types of music)
  13. Robin, you need to lighten up, don't be so angry!! Look at where that anger got Flat Cap! I personally think older people are a kick!! Even when the stories are boring, I can't help but smile while they're telling them because they have so much interest in enlightening young people to how it used to be. And I actually find it quite humorous to see older people protecting their bag or purse like it's full of diamonds and you're the masked bandit!! Keep in mind also, with old age your eyesite goes (which would explain the overly cautious behavior) along with other ailments. Just have some patien
  15. That was part of one of my hints... English law prohibited people of his occupation to advertise, so he took a pen name... real name: James Alfred Wight (Alf Wight) pen name: James Herriot (Herriot chosen because he was impressed by the performance of a Scottish goalkeeper named Jim Herriot who played for Birmingham City against Manchester United!) B)
  16. Thanks for that Ayup, I'll let my mom know as she is the one who has the original 78. It would be nice to hear him sing CLEARLY! He never sung for my sister and I in person, he was too embarassed, but he was singing with a trio in a club in Los Angeles when my mom met him. It's always the singer that gets the girl!!
  17. Uncle Fester was played by Jackie Coogan, I was madly in love with his son Chris Coogan which I went to high school with! We were good friends, but unfortunately he wasn't interested in me THAT way. I never met his Dad, he had died a few years before I met Chris. Chris died in a motorcycle accident at 22 before there was a helmet law in California, very sad...
  18. Man!! I knew that was too easy!! I had a whole bunch of hints lined up in case nobody got it too!!! Good job Caz!!! !bravo!
  19. Who is this man? (Sorry if this is too easy!)
  20. Why that's Grandpa of course(I don't know his real name)!!! He also played a character wearing the same costume and make-up that he wore in The Munsters, in the movie Gremlins 2, made in the 80's.
  21. Looks a little like Humphrey Bogart to me. Or maybe Fred Gwynn? (Herman Munster)
  22. I have no idea! I have a really bad recording of it on a cassette tape. It was only a demo, so it wasn't a very good recording to start, very scratchy.
  23. My Daddy used to be a singer and my Mom has an album he made on 78! He sounded just like Sinatra, but I guess he just didn't know the right people. There were many guys back then that sounded like Sinatra though!! I had never even heard of 78's until she showed me that!
  24. Mick, you are a fountain of knowledge!! !clapping!