David sheridan

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Posts posted by David sheridan

  1. And talking of cats , in st anns we found a little kitten in the gutter , us four little urchins from the slums of st anns well decided to take it to the police station , not sure where but ransom road rings a bell, 

    We walked up to the station desk and said " mister this little kittens lost it's mummy and daddy "  he looked at us and told us to  pee off  and not waste his time ( he was reading a newspaper and a drinking tea ) and take the scrawny kitten with you !!!! 

  2. Talking of apples , we used to sneak into a lady's garden on hungerhill road in st anns well ,  who had about 20 cats , we used to call her cats eye kelly , people said she was a witch , but when you're nipper you believe owt , anyway we were up her tree putting apples in our jumper , and she chased us off with a big walking stick , which i mistook for a stick to put spells on naughty little boys !

  3. @benjamin1945 in the Philippines if you can't speak the foreign lingo you're boggered ,but alas i can get BBC World news , and also Aljazeera ,but to get your old favourites like Last of the summer wine ,  Dad's army, or open all hours , you have to rely on Youtube , not complaining much though my wife still cooks me Egg'nChips , and the beers ice cold , the suntan though must improve on that i want to look like a bronze adonis ( an aged one ) rather than a half baked prawn !!!!

  4. First book i remember reading or rather  read to us by mr eddie (alderman.w.derbyshire secondary school) it was the last lesson in english class on a friday afternoon, which was perfect !

    The book in question was called THE SILVER SWORD by IAN SERRAILLIER ,

    It revolve around 1940s poland and how a family was torn apart by the advancing   German army , only to be reunited in Switzerland,  the main theme of the book was kindness, generosity, and durability .

  5. On 4/6/2015 at 11:48 PM, Radford said:

    Hopefully I have got this reply thing right!

    I went to Mr Carberry the dentist from the first time he opened and was still returning as a new mum from West Yorkshire until the mid seventies .

    He was lovely and good to hear his son is now in the profession.

    Prior to him opening the shop it was a sweet shop and general store!

    The practise mentioned on Piccadilly was barbarous,I remember coming back from there with my mum on the bus with quite a large blood stained cloth in her mouth after five extractions!

    However still better than the school dentist at The Bogs ,I know where I would put his rubber bung now before he applied the gas to a terrified five year old ! !

    Yeah went there once put the old gas mask on yer face and felt like i was curling up like a rubber ball and dreamt of soldiers with busbies on their heads stabbing my tongue with bayonets , then a woman with an high pitched voice , slapping my face and saying come on wake up !!

  6. On 4/4/2015 at 3:52 AM, Guest said:

    Moved to Grindon Cresc in '73 . Apollo pub. Marshalls lorry yard. Adelphi cinema. Nice cars showroom. Dolly tub launderette. House of holland. Acropolis fish bar. Sun valley. Rediffusion. WHO remembers the sign FIREWORKS GALORE! Horse and jockey. Martins newsagents but i can't remember the cycle shop name near bus stops??

    Left Grindon crescent in 1974, used to attend Alderman.w.derbyshire secondary school, drank in the horse and jockey had a scrap or two an all, worked in marshalls casemaking factory until one day a bully foreman told me to get cracking,  i just grabbed an handful of 6 inch nails threw em in the air and said make me ! Walked out the very same day !

  7. On 3/28/2022 at 2:23 AM, Jill Sparrow said:

    Hairdressers didn't have fun doing my hair. They tended to complain about me having a double crown, whatever that means to hairdressers! Once had my hair done by a chap who was trained by Teasy-Weasy. He seemed delighted by the double crown. A challenge, perhaps?

    My dear old mam used to say i had a double crown whilst combing my hair using lots of water to dampen the hair , which would always run in your eyes , but i still felt like twice a king with a double crown !!

  8. On 4/1/2022 at 10:48 PM, LizzieM said:

    I have a question …… the black lads you see on the TV, footballers, actors, musicians etc ……. do they paint or dye their heads to give them a perfectly straight hairline across the top of their forehead?   It’s intriguing me!  

    I thought the dunked em in tar !!!