hippo girl

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Everything posted by hippo girl

  1. How could anyone compare breast feeding a baby to the s...s on page 3 .....
  2. I don't understand where these old fashioned benny hill men come from ...Mars ?New men would find these women distasteful........ It's not about feminism, it's about modernism
  3. Well said Melissa, what a way to earn a living.....their parents must be so proud....... How many of the guys who buy that trash would want their partners or daughters to pursue a career as a page 3 girl ?
  4. Thanks guys, don't all PM me at once !!!LOL
  5. Would love me access switched Eric , but not sure what that means and is it painful ?
  6. My problem is ...no delete button
  7. Thank you DaveN.....don't understand why.....cant even empty all the mail I have received over 7 years .....so maybe that's the reason......but can't send any of you guys a message either. Very strange this Nottstalgia lark !!!
  8. I can't send or receive any?
  9. Hi jan, not seen you since your birthday 5 years ago.....hope you are well ?
  10. How interesting Kev, just been on a viewing in that terrace
  11. New members are made very welcome, on their own, with their partners, their friends, their family............
  12. Babs Piggot, have put a message out to you on every post !!!! Sent you an email ......
  13. Deffo still me Bilbraborn......one day a mum , one day a nanny, one day a 60 s wild child growing old disgracefully , but always ME...
  14. Interesting stuff, thanks Mick......one girl mentioned Harry Stephenson at Jaceys in the 80s.......that brilliant musician is still playing the pubs of Nottingham today !!!!!
  15. Lizzie isnt home BR, she has gone "SAILING "
  16. The sixties was the best time to experience life and the diverse music scene.....one day I was a mod, the next a hippy, the next a student but always ME .....
  17. Lizzie " thinks he's sexy " but he in return thinks " blondes have more fun " , so " every picture tells a story " !!!!!!??????
  18. Carol Middleton for queen mother !!!! Long live the Buckleby wannabes
  19. Carole Middleton wouldn't allow that.......she who rules must be obeyed...........
  20. It's more than embarrassing it's shameful and it's more pimp than pomp !!!!
  21. How could she need the money on her weekly benefits !!!!LOL
  22. Just come back from an amazing Xmas day in the centre of town with some of my family, the rest are having my company at the end of the week........ Peace, friendship, health and love to you all in the new year and beyond........xx