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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. I need parish records for Wymsewold....where did you get your CD?
  2. There are thousands of tourists clamouring to rent bikes and ride down old railway lines in Nottinghamshire...Stratford and London eat your heart out...
  3. My Great Grandfather lived 50 yards down the road...his house is one of the few still there.The Jewish gallows were on Shakespeare Street bottom of the hill.....Can't go hanging Jews on a Christian gallows can we?... They were very caring in those days...
  4. Haven't seen the sea for 24 years...is it still there? My last holiday was in '86 and that was Eskdale. Beaches near Winscale were good...no humans at all...I think they were frightened of turning purple with radiation.Mile after mile of beach without a sign of life.Just the boom of a big naval gun firing at a target out to sea every hour or so.A bit like Skeggy in November,but without the litter.
  5. A strange looking vehicle but very common on the streets of Nottingham in the sixties.A very sensible bumper on them too.
  6. That reminded me Katyjay... Dunno her name,but the landlady at the Peacock in Redmile in the sixties.She used to be on the mike telling the filthiest gags.She was in the middle of a filthy rugby song one night when the door opened and a little old Sally Army lady walked in...Without drawing breath she stopped the rugby ditty and changed to "Michael rowed the boat ashore...." Having sold her War Cry and left the landlady immediately reverted to the Rugby song....Hilarious.
  7. Ah the sandhills!...."What are that man and that lady doing Dad?"..."Press ups son....press ups"
  8. In Chicago in the thirties two gangsters robbed a bank losing their hats in their getaway.The police arrived minutes later.The streets being packed they had no chance of spotting them. One cop spotted their hats on the floor...on a hunch he ran into a hat shop opposite and there they were buying hats...they knew,and he guessed..they had no chance of a clean getaway without hats.They would have stuck out like a sore thumb.
  9. I wasn't far off was I?...knew it had ies at the end..
  10. Was it Jollies or some such name? I think they had a branch in Bridgford too.The old memory banks might bring it up later.I'm sure it ended ...ies.
  11. And now they all wish they hadn't sold up as they see crappy tescos opening up exactly the same medium sized shops in the suburbs...the only difference being they are open 17 hours a day and don't sell what you want...but what they decide you should have.
  12. Eeny Meeny Miny Mo...Catch a politically correct ethnic minority of either gender and sexual preference disabled or mentally disadvantaged person by the toe.
  13. There was one on Derby Road next to the cinema, Priory Island.One on High street (Basford Road) Basford...another on Arnold Road,Bestwood.
  14. That was close...another 50 feet and that plane would have blocked the road.
  15. Blazing hot day on my bike wearing plimsoles and shorts...nowt else.Flew off my bike into a ditch in Kegworth six foot deep in nettles.I had hundreds of stings and a local farmers wife smeared them in butter....no it doesn't work. Amongst the most painful couple of days of my life.
  16. Something to do with a demand for higher pensions and fresh mealworms...
  17. Nice clear picture...and I know you love your aeroplanes.But I'm happy to say all I see is jet trails at 20 miles distant...that's close enough for me...
  18. Going back to hotaches...I've just thought...the most obvious reason they're unheard of nowadays is that frozen little hands aren't stuck too close to naked flames as they were in our day.
  19. Just found this...simple games,out in the fresh air.No wonder overweight kids were few and far between.Kids had a lot of fun in those days, at very little cost to their often very poor parents.
  20. I should think not...there are thousands of kids blinded and crippled from that awful game...at least that's what the pillock brigade would have us believe.They'd have kids wearing hard hats to play snobs nowadays. That 'other' top...not the windowbreaker...didn't the word carrot come into it somewhere...or is my memory failing me?
  21. Which is why the schools like Ellis pictured were designed so that the whole of the classroom fronts could be opened in summer to the 'health giving fresh air and sunshine' That was the original intention...although during the fifties I never remember those doors ever being opened...I guess the idea had gone out of fashion by then.
  22. I never ever heard the words scarlet fever when I was at school from '51 The odd kid still in leg irons from polio...but we were all innoculated against that and diptheria by the mid fifties.