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Everything posted by poohbear

  1. It was Walkers..he had a daughter called Linda.She was a mate of my girlfriend Anne...As a foursome we snook away for a weekend at Skegness... Mr and Mrs Smith of course.. Her bloke had a beat up Austin Atlantic...how it made it to Skeggy and back,God only knows.
  2. Woodies were popular in Nottingham too...it was all Players Weights further south.
  3. If I remember correctly that first temporary flyover only cost 100 thousand.
  4. You just beat me...those must have been some of the first cycle paths.
  5. Both worked at Bryant & May eh?....
  6. The area between Lambley and Calverton past the Woodlark pub is the one area around Notts I can guarantee the sound of yellowhammers and skylarks every year.One field there is the territory of a couple of pairs of lapwings which dive and scream on my approach with the dogs.And it's always the first place I hear a cuckoo.Takes me back to my childhood every spring when I'm up that way.
  7. BBC forecasts 10 degrees overnight in Notts.
  8. 1...In the pub 2...In the same pub 3...In another pub
  9. Good...That report I got was about 2 years back...glad to hear it.
  10. Three to tell the driver it was full if I remember correctly.
  11. It's all the old Nottingham fogies on here...still think it's half day closing...
  12. I heard that the aviaries had been vandalised a while back and closed...whether there are plans to rebuild I don't know with all the cutbacks.Personally I think it would be a disgrace to give way to the vandals and not redesign them.
  13. Anybody used to be taken there in their childhood to play and look at the birds.My fascination with birds started there when I was a kid. They were first built in Victorian times... 1890s The aviaries a few years back and a couple of views of the Arboretum...still worth a visit at any time of year...especially Autumn. There was talk of them being rebuilt...whether or not this is still the case I don't know.If they do they'll have to be secure like those in Arnold otherwise modern youth will break in and kill everything as they have done up and down the country...evil sods. Arnot H
  14. Clink of milkbottles...sound of a song thrush.Typewriter keys on the old mechanical machines.
  15. Strange how shopping habits have changed.Marsdens/Farrands were medium sized grocery shops in the suburbs.Maypole.Home and Colonial,Meadow Dairies tended to be in town centers near the markets.But most numerous in those days were the Co-ops. Mansfield Sutton and District had over 120 on every main road in the district.They all looked alike,two storied with mock Tudor fronts and the mandatory staircase going up to the first floor on the outside.They were all sold off years ago as the bigger supermarkets took over. They can still be recognised by the exterior looks even nowadays.Tesco would ha
  16. Trying to remember the Farrands branches...was Marsdens the same outfit?
  17. I live alone,it's dark and cold out there...and my hang gliding kit is broken...what else can I do?..
  18. Sheffield forum at this moment...259 members 861 guests What's Sheffield got that we 'aint? Apart from 138,462 members of course...
  19. What's happening on here lately?
  20. Thank you...have dispatched sister and her copy of Karma Sutra to your address. We use her to reward acts of kindness...getting on a bit but nobody has complained yet....Come to that nobody has admitted yet to getting a visit... Would recommend you don't refuse her entry...they have yet to build the door that can stop her...
  21. No joy...ah well back to scrolling dates.I give up with these damn machines....just as you get used to them THEY decide to change something.
  22. View new content not working last 3 days...any ideas? It just shows message nothing new....when there is!
  23. I delivered Bernis' steaks from Mason Bros. Derby Road branch in the mid sixties...The Flying Horse wasn't a Berni then.My round was...Grosvenor,Cricketers,Brittannia,Chateau,Sawyers,and a newly opened Trattoria Conti on James Street. I was in the Sawyers shortly after Bernis took it over when a group of Canadian soldiers came in.They stood there looking round in amazement.It seems it had changed a bit since their last visit...I directed them over the road to the Towers where the local crumpet had transferred their 'business'...
  24. I am...and I don't know why it's asked on here particularly.